A new day, a new way ...
... but the inspiration stays the same! After almost 3 years we have changed home. Kim and I are so excited. We've changed a few things, added more pages and made it so much easier to find your way around the blog. (Hello previous pages!!!!) Welcome to our new home. Hope you like the layout. Look up above. You'll find tabs to take you all sorts of places. That's our feed subscription to the right. (Don't forget to re-subscribe as our old blogspot address just won't bring you all the new room porn we'll be posting here.) Page loading should be so much easier especially for our readers in areas of the globe without great internet connection (5 posts a page, not too many pictures to load). And speaking of pages. Look! Down below ... pages! Yes I'm so excited. Can't you tell I'm not a computer geek? Head to our labels section, click on a label and every post we've ever done with that label will appear, page after page. It sounds so simple but we've never had that before. I'm like a kid in a candy store with our new blog and hopefully you'll feel the same. Take a look around, take it for a test drive. We'll be back with WINKS soon.
Reader Comments (30)
Thank god i can now see ALL posts tagged kitchen or living room etc. It used to drive me nuts knowing there were more pages I couldn't figure out how to get to. Thanks ladies! Love it even more!
I just wanted to chime in and say that I love the new look! Great job to everyone involved!
Hi guys,
I'm from the other side of the globe - Manila, Philippines. I've been a constant follower of your blog - and I can say that your blog title really delivers - I've been truly inspired. Hope to see more inspiration! Oh I love your new site by the way! Goodluck!
Thank you Desire to Inspire Ladies!!! I truly appreciate your blog and read it everyday, congrats on the new site....looks fab!!!
Hello from Argentina. Thanks for the new design, it's really best and easy to surfing your site. Goog look! Have a happy new year. A sudamerican inspire fan.