Dear Mr Bank Manager ...
... it's me again. I wrote to you in 2007 about an apartment I wanted to buy. You couldn't help me then but I've heard that it is back on the market again. It's been redecorated and beautifully appointed and it's just gorgeous and its owner Karen emailed to let me know that if you say yes it could be mine (or some other incredibly lucky person). Here's what Karen had to say. "Craigston was built in 1927 and this apartment takes up the whole top floor of the building. This was one of the first high rise buildings in Brisbane and was built as a residence for doctors as it is part of the medical precinct in Brisbane. The floors are crow's ash which is a now rare rainforest wood. I know this will be surprising but I live in this five bedroom apartment alone! I'm spoiled for space but that's a good thing because there's room to indulge my passion for collecting antiques." Please Mr Bank Manager! Please!
P.S. If your bank manager says yes you can contact Karen here.
Reader Comments (15)
OMG - I love this apartment and the way it has been decorated - from the custom-made desk top in the study to the tiles in the bathroom and all the finishing touches. I will definitely be taking ideas away for our build (sorry don't live in Brissy!).
If A bank manager says yes, we called him God, ok ?
I used to walk past this building every day when I parked my car at Spring Hill and worked in Queen Street. Great to see inside. 5 bedrooms, you say. Wow what would I do with all those? Happily ensconced in Sydney these days and my Bank Manager is still saying No!!
ooh so beautiful!! its definitely my dream house!
Nic, can we please move back to brisbane and buy this...pretty please....its cold in London and Brissy is hot hot hot!
Sure Brenda but I still have to apply for that visa thingy. Lets see how long they take to turn that around first...
Nice pictures , enjoy !
im moving to Brisbane from California next week....wish I could move in!!!
Save the wall stickers, it's perfect.
Wow Jo, I can't believe this is in Brissy! It certainly transports me to another world, not our hot little city. LOVE all those windows!
Unfortuately my Bank Mgr says "no".
The only thing I would replace: carpets.
It could be a very nice home.
I can see a lot of bank managers saying no but I have always loved this truly unique building in my home town. Maybe five of us can band together and have a bedroom each :) Karen you are such a lucky woman!
Great place! How difficult do you think it would be to find out who makes the sofa in the second photo (white, tailored, square-ish)? I love it!
Honestly, I cleaned for people who lived in this style too many years to be attracted to it. Gorgeous, wonderful, tasteful. Great views, even the access is special. And I'd feel the imaginary weight of a mop & cleaning tray, every day. And my banker would laugh at me, of course.