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A much needed vacation

Olaf V.

Hi folks. Kim here. In case you haven't been over to see the latest post on my "kim's page" tab, I am off to Vegas tomorrow morning until Monday. Despite it being a much needed vacation (that I haven't had in a few years), my little sister is getting married there Saturday. I'm super excited because of course it's in Vegas and I've never been, but also because she's marrying Dave who is SUCH a nice guy. Although I'll be offline for 5 days (excited about that too I have to admit), I have scheduled posts to publish in my absence and of course Jo will be around posting as well. Happy Thanksgiving to all our American readers and I'll see you back here on Tuesday!

Reader Comments (2)

Have fun! I've always wanted to go to Vegas. Congrats to your sister and enjoy your break! :-)

25 Nov 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLori

Viva Las Vegas! Say hi to Elvis for me or should that be say hi to all the Elvi (Or Elvises) :) AND congratulations Jen and Dave!!!!!!

26 Nov 2009 | Registered Commentermidcenturyjo

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