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Monday's pets on furniture - part 2

If you'd like to send us photos to include in next week's "pets on furniture" post, please ensure your photos follow our basic rules: First, the pet must be on a piece of furniture. And said piece of furniture must be clearly visible in the photo, so both pet and furniture takes center stage. (Think of it more of a photo of a great piece of furniture...and your pet happens to be sitting on it). And second, the photo must be of decent quality. For example, if it's REALLY dark or fuzzy (camera phone) then it may not make the cut. Thanks!

"Here are a few pictures of my cats, Caleb (brown tabby) and Squirt (white and gray). They are not siblings but as you can see they do take care of each other. Catching them snuggling like this on my living room chair always melts my heart. The chair is from Anthropologie--a big splurge. I bought the pillow cover in Morocco."
- Heather

"I woke up this morning to find Bella the cat (aka Bellarina, Bell Bells, Bella Fontae) on this armchair in our bedroom. Bella woke up as I was taking the photo and promptly got up and left - oops!"
- Julie

"I thought I would submit a picture of my sister's english bulldog, Clarence. He might be the dumbest dog I know, but the joy he brings makes up for it!"
- Candace

"My name is Amanda Powell from Huntsville, Alabama. Your blog is a must read, and I love the "Pet's on Furniture" post you feature every Monday. Since you've started it, I've been desperately trying to get a picture of my sassy Marie on our leather couch. This has proved quite a task since she is never still and always into something. Today she sat, for the first time, and did not move until I took the picture. Hope you enjoy my little beauty! PS: don't be fooled by her expression, she is very mischievous :)"

"Here are a few pictures of my cats Nanook and Romy hanging out around our home."
- Cheryl

"I read your blog daily and I look forward to every week's Pets on Furniture. Please consider one of these photos for next week. Thanks and Happy Halloween. Oh and the tapestry in the background is from Urban Outfitters."
- Selena

"Finally I decided to send a picture of Bianca, my dad's doggy. As you see, she has her own space on the sofa... seems that she really does like it. (I'm from Spain. The house is in the Canary Islands.)"
- Natalie

"I love to see all of your featured pets and I would like to include a photo of my Shi Apso, Picaboo. Picaboo loves to cuddle on piece of furniture he can find. Here is a shot from Christmas 2007."
- Carole

"Oh how I've tried to resist sending in photos of my pets for Monday's Pets on Furniture entry! I've admired all of the other fabulous submissions and finally cannot hold out anymore! Please find the following photos for your consideration. Pinball (grey cat) is 12, Colonel Forbin (orange cat) is 10, and Cedar (dog) is 10. They are constantly taking over the couch! (I also should say that I grew up with 6 cats and I am trying my hardest to get my husband to let me adopt more.)"
- Wendy

"I send you my picture of my cat Musetta and the ikea vase...designed by hella jongerius for IKEA PS"
- Dana (Italy)

"I send you photos of my dog Argos, who is a Golden Retriever. He is 2 years old. Argos is actually very active dog, who loves to play around, run and swim a lot. He loves water. But at home, he just wants to relax and to be lazy. He hates lying on the floor, so whenever the situation allows or when me and my husband are not watching, he climbs up on the couch."
- Zola

"This is Maya, I recently painted and recovered this telephone table and it has become a great place for Maya to sit and wait for me to get home. She has added her personal touch by clawing up the covered chair pad."
- Stacey

Reader Comments (8)

Lovely pictures !

Someone explain why it matters to anyone what name goes on anything from Ikea. Honestly.

2 Nov 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

Natalie can I come visit in the Canary Islands? Wonderful house!

3 Nov 2009 | Unregistered Commentermidcenturyjo

I'm a great fan of your blog, in which I find always many many ideas. But I LOOOOOOVE this thema !!! One day or another I'll send your some pictures of y Balthazar lying on the sofa.

Love the pets on furniture posts! We're in the preparation stages of adopting a kitty, and I'm getting so many good name ideas! Lol.

3 Nov 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMagchunk


4 Nov 2009 | Unregistered Commenterdana

This is as I've said before such a wonderful post idea!! They enjoy couches like no other.

4 Nov 2009 | Unregistered CommenterClorivak

Fantastic Pets! I would like to get beautiful white dog for my child.

26 Jul 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAna

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