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Pushing the Envelope

Remember this dream home? I just had to take another look at envelopeA+D and I was not disappointed. Modern but with soul these homes (and a couple of restaurants ... hey good ideas are always inspiring!) are the result of a collaborative effort that translates the clients needs and desires and crafts a beautiful and functional solution. It's all about enclosure and the place of client in the place if you get what I mean. Love it. Just don't tell my (blind) husband about that birdcage in the house or he'll just have to have it.

Reader Comments (6)

Ohhh my...

I love the first and last photos. I can just see that glass-walled/white-shelved room as my perfect art studio, surrounded by my ridiculous abundance of art STUFF.

The trouble with your blog though, is that nearly every time I visit I find a new "perfect art room" - now I just need to figure out how to mash all these favourites together :)

22 Oct 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlex Louisa

I love that photos...

22 Oct 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPia

love the shop/restaurant photos, especially the one with hanging lamps.

22 Oct 2009 | Unregistered Commentergreybreaks

image 7 onwards get's me all warm and fuzzy... Nice post today, thank you!

22 Oct 2009 | Unregistered Commenterheather jenkinson

the restaurant photo with the hanging lamps is fantastic -- all the different sizes and shapes just really add something unexpected to the room. and some of the bathroom shots are just great - i always like it when designers use bold and bright colors.

22 Oct 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBrandi

I love that glass wall shelving system. No way could i keep that clean and tidy (and dust free though)

23 Oct 2009 | Unregistered Commenterinteriorblogging

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