Monday's pets on furniture
Happy Thanksgiving to all my fellow Canadians!
If you'd like to send us photos to include in next week's "pets on furniture" post, please ensure your photos follow our basic rules: First, the pet must be on a piece of furniture. And said piece of furniture must be clearly visible in the photo, so both pet and furniture takes centre stage. (Think of it more of a photo of a great piece of furniture...and your pet happens to be sitting on it). And second, the photo must be of decent quality. For example, if it's REALLY dark or fuzzy (camera phone) then it may not make the cut. Thanks!
"Attached is a picture I thought I might send your way. This is our new kitten, Finn, and he seems particularly fond of our dining room chairs. Hope you like it!"
- Adriane
"This is Solomon pondering the meaning of it all from the arm of my sofa. It's been dubbed "Doily Sofa" after my desperate attempt to repair a week's worth of sudden and obsessive claw sharpening, (his, not mine). You do kind of question things in general while sitting on the floor sewing tea-stained doilies to a couch. But it did work, Solomon never scratched it again. And in the meantime, it's opened up an entire doily universe to me. I had no idea how many people out there have been repurposing all those little crocheted snowflakes."
- Amy
"This is Bosco, in a moment of actually being a good girl for once. She is on our well worn, but still beloved leather couch."
- Rachel
"Just in time for Halloween. My halloween cat on his pumpkin chair. We found the chair at a consignment shop. Matches Big Charlie perfectly. At least that's what he thinks."
- Rachael
" i'm sending in my sweet puppy, apple. she's 5 but still acts like a puppy, forever and ever i hope. she follows me everywhere i go. that is, unless she's sitting on that couch. then i'm not sure that she cares where i am at all. the couch is really only allowed for special occasions now because i think she might love it just as much (if not more) than me. :-)"
"Our dog Gertrude (Gertie) is featured in this photo. She is our fun loving miniature schnauzer who gets away with being bad sometimes because she is so cute. In this picture I caught her one morning sun-bathing on the couch."
- Kristin
"Submitted for your approval, 2 pics of my dear cat, Mister Boots doing what he loves to do best (besides prowl and hunt). He enjoys a rather idyllic lifestyle."
- MV
"Here's a photo of Boondock in my daughter's mirrored chest in her Birmingham, AL loft. Boondock was rescued from the Birmingham Animal Shelter. My daughter picked him out because he was the ugliest cat there and she thought he had little chance of being rescued. As you can see, he turned out to be beautiful with a little tender loving care!"
Here is another photo of Boondock. The previous photo that I sent had a bad flash glare. I thought this one might be better. He loved hanging out in her loft in Birmingham and has turned into a beautiful, spoiled cat! Plus he has really cool orange eyes!
- Kathi
"For inclusion in your pets on furniture series. Here's my rescue dog, Midge, enjoying a nap...err, being irritated that I woke her up from her nap to snap a photo of her... on a too small for her Victorian chair."
- Libby
"I am submitting photos of my cats for your pets on furniture series (all formerly Marrakech street cats). I know the last two don't really fit but don't want any jealousies! The first two photos were taken by a Swedish photographer called Katerina Malmstrom."
- Marilyn
"Here are two photos of our cat Marty-Pants sitting on a 60s mustard footstool, in front of a teal mid century clam chair. Thanks for considering it for your "pets on furniture" post, which I am very much enjoying."
- Melly
"I know the piece of furniture it's not clearly visible, but I could not fail to send this photo of my cat Amelie, she is 17 months old now, but in this photo she was just about seven, and this big chair in our office is one of her favourite spots.Hope you enjoy it!"
- Catarina
***note: although this photo does break the rules, I could not resist.
I'd like to dedicate this post to Seymour, one the strays I've been feeding for over a year. Seymour had serious eye problems (they were very goopy) and I decided I had better get him to the vets before winter came (Friends of Abandoned Pets, a local rescue organization, agreed to help with costs). He went in on Wednesday and the news was very grim. He had FIV, or AIDS in cats, and a very severe case. This would make it impossible for him to be adopted and he would not live a full life, so we decided to have him put down. He was such a sweetie, and really good-natured, so it was really hard knowing he would not have the life he deserved. (I must also point out that Seymour was owned by a complete asshole down the street who didn't give a damn about his cats. I learned a couple days ago that he was recently evicted. 18 cats were found in his home, and 3 dead ones. Lesson to be learned here - if you can't be responsible for pets then DO NOT HAVE THEM).
That was a very very sad day for me, but the next day something magical happened. A "feral" cat I've been feeding for a few months who never let me get more than 20 feet from it, suddenly let me pet her (yep, seems she's a female, so I've named her Eleanor), and it turns out she's a big baby and loves cuddling. She's locked up in my bathroom right now (it's REALLY cold out) and FOAP has agreed to get her in to see a vet as well. If the vet visit goes well I will be responsible for finding Eleanor a new home.
This story better have a happy ending.
Reader Comments (18)
Rest in peace little Seymour..
My favorite is Midge. But Boondock sort of stole my heart too!
My parents have several cats on their farm and take good care of them. One cat, named Chip, had a similar eye condition. Mom and I brought him in the house on a regular basis to clean his eyes with a warm washcloth and feed him eggs to help strengthen him. He as so sweet and loving, but he didn't live very long, sadly. How wonderful and kind of you to take care of Seymour in his final days.
Aw, Kelsi - that was really sweet of you and your mom to take care of Chip like that. :)
:/ I'm glad Seymour had you in his life and that this new cat is around to give you loves.
apple looks really adorable on the couch, which btw is gorgeous!
Aw, this made me miss cats. The b.f. and I used to have them but he developed a late allergy and now we can't! Sad, b.c. we both love cats!
Omigoodness I love this post!!!! Beautiful!! Pets take the fullest advantage of furniture, they know how relax much better than us humans...;)
And also Happy Thanksgiving!!!!...I'm a fellow Candian!!!
Thank you for helping Seymour in his last days. He looks so sweet and so lovable.
Apple looks really cute.
Cute overload! And I desparately need Marilyn's windows and MV's sofa.
Kim you have a big big big heart!!
I'm really sorry to hear about Seymour, Kim.
Eleanor is beautiful. I'm sure you'll find her a good home.
I find that cats are better models than dogs! More flexible maybe...
Thank you for taking care of Seymour and now Eleanor. Their appreciation is boundless.
Poor Seymour. I really hope Eleanor will have a happier ending. I love that you care and take action to help these poor animals who have irresponsible owners. I can't believe there were 3 dead cats in your neighbours house - I mean, really? That's so sad.
Perhaps I will send in a picture of my darling on furniture when she arrives here on Saturday. She's been in Germany for almost 2 months until we settled in to our new home in Georgia. I miss her like crazy. Thanks for the pets on furniture Mondays - although your entire blog is fantastic, that's the part I look forward to most. :)
It makes me smile to know that there is someone out there who adores these beautiful animals as much as I do. Thanks Kim for all your hard work and good will.
Good luck with the kitty!
Marakesh living room -- wow. Boondoggle -- my official fav of the week.
The patchwork on the clawed couch -- brilliant. It was pretty ordinary before, now it's one-of-a-kind and far more interesting and attractive. But I think the cat is planning something for the dining room... watch her closely!