Gridley + Graves
Anne Gridley and Gary Graves are a husband and wife team of photographers who can work a camera like nobody's business. The kitchens I found in their portfolio are to die for...such beautiful and welcoming spaces.
Reader Comments (12)
LOL Kim step away from the kitchen pictures. Your kitchen is done ;)
Gridley and Graves portfolio is fab. Great light and warm ans inviting.
TRYING to inspire? SUCCEEDING!! Wow, I found your blog via designmom (a pic of yours linked elsewhere I think?) Thanks for the awesome finds!!
I need a new kitchen, Really, I do. Loving these.
i had to pick my jaw up off the floor - so lovely! thanks for sharing!
Wow so many wonderful kitchens and thank you for some great ideas.
Cheers Linda
Yes, they are super talented.
These are such beautiful kitchens. And I thought mine was okay - until now. bad bloggers!
Thanks for the introduction to this team - I will visit their site!
Terri in Calgary
The porch in the last photo looks so restful.
I just saw some of these kitchen when I was searching through House Beautiful. Love the slate gray cab's with that chunky wooden island. Great work.
I love the big so clean..hope mine are the same like in the pictures...
great findings..keep it up..
Anets GoldenGrill
I love the kitchen in he 7th picture. All that storage space is making me swoon. Although, I think it's crazy she is wearing high heeled shoes to cook.
whatdoya mean melanie, you don't cook in heels?? :D (I don't even let people wear shoes in my house, much less heels that will scratch the paint off my floors.)