Brasil bonito
I love readers' homes. I love to see how people live, the things they surround themselves with. I love Flavia's Brazilian home. Stylish and real. I'll let her explain. (She apologises for her English - don't Flavia. It's excellent!)
Since I saw some posts with your readers’ houses around the world, I thought you would like to receive a Brazilian example. I have been photographing my house for a while, but, in fact, I don’t think it is ready for a final photo session. We live there for 4 years now and still haven’t finished all the furniture and décor. I feel it’s like a mutant space, changing and improving every day. For this reason I have been taking so long to email you. But this week I saw a post with a brazilian “salao de beleza” and I realized that many Brazilians must read you and send you stuff, so I decided to email the pictures I had.
Here is some explanation:
The living room: Starck’s Slick slick and Louis Ghost chairs at the table. The painting is a Graffiti we got in our neighborhood from a construction temporary wall. Table, coffee table and sofas are from Fernando Jaeger, a Brazilian designer. The Altoids art was made by me (we didn’t have Altoids in Brazil so I depended on loving friends that always brought them to me). The centerpiece on the table is from Alessi. The candles as cheesy but they are from my wedding party décor so I just can't get rid of them. Old fan and trunk were gifts from my mom. The two ashtrays on the coffee table are made by a Brazilian designer called Jacqueline Terpins.
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The kitchen: Don’t have much to say, except, sorry for the mess!
Tv room: This is the room we use the most. It has a desk for me and my husband to work, but is also a play room for the baby, so we can all stay together. Sofa and armchair by Fernando Jaeger, a Starck’s yellow Toy chair and the new Aalto’s style play table with stools. Above the desk and books, pictures by me and the baby (believe it or not).
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Bedroom 1: This is where my husband and I rest. No bed, just a mattress on the floor. Bed side tables made by my mom. Eclipse lamp by Mauricio Klabin (another brazilian designer). The funny thing is that the only “good art” we have is all piled up in the corner of this room… Shame on me.
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Bedroom 2: This is the bedroom that is going to change the most as soon as possible. The baby became a toddler and is getting a new bed and little kitchen furniture I designed. This room also has one of my favorites pieces on the house, that is the huge paper on the wall were the family drew and stuck stickers, sadly it is also going to be replaced for a new one, since there is no more free space… The ballerina picture was made by my father in 82 and given to the baby when I was still pregnant and had just found out it was going to be a girl. The weird bird on the top shelve was his first Christmas gift for the baby (that was only 1 month old) and is from a French artist that have made a lot of New Yorker covers, but I sadly can’t remember the name. The weird face behind the toys was also taken at that construction site.
These pictures don’t show all the rooms and are not all produced and stuff… actually, they were taken during “real life action”, but I hope you like it.
Reader Comments (14)
I love the bedroom. I used to sleep on just a mattress for a while. Until we have the support legs from IKEA.
I so want the Eames chair. Need to save up some money.
What is the board with the places in London? The picture after the kitchen pictures?
Kelly looks like a vintage bus/train destination roll. Try eBay for similar.
children rooms are my favorite..
Can I just point out your mum makes fabulous night tables?
Great home! Where, O Where can I find a sign of the tube stops in England as shown here and other posts. I'm a sucker for anything typeface, ephemera, lettering, etc. and we have an affinity for the tube. I don't even know what term to use to search online/ebay. Help?
Lora, I haven't done searches for that before but you might want to try "bus roll" or "train roll".
Thanks Flavia for sending us photos of your wonderfully decorated home!
I am one of yours Brazilian readers, and I soon as I saw those pictures today, before I read the post I new it was taken from a Brazilian home. I think the flooring, specialy the kitchen, made it clear to me. I live in the USA for 10 years now. Love your blog. Congrats.
(revised!! why don't I read my comments before I click the publish button???)
I am one of your Brazilian readers, and as soon as I saw those pictures today, even before I read the post, I knew those pictures were taken in Brazil. How funny! I think that the flooring, specialy the kitchen's floor, made it clear to me. I live in the USA for 10 years now. Love your blog. Congrats.
LOL! Thanks for stopping by Brazilian Monalisa!
I just love the fact that Flavia constructed a temporary wall and got an artwork! Well done!
I am so glad Flavia wrote to you guys.
Flavia, I adore your home. I love the simplicity and the light. I am totally jealous of your piece of graffiti over your sofa. I see many wonderful examples in our city, I'd love to have one. I adore the restful bedroom, and also the way you have made room for your daughter's creativity.
Great work. You need a flickr set, I'd like to keep up with the changes you make.
I've had luck on eBay by using "destination rolls" in the search.
Oh, thanks everyone, I’m glad you like it.
Yesterday was holiday here in Rio so I didn't get to see this post before.
"Destination roll" is the name to look for.
The Grafitti thing is that, here, when you have a construction on the street, you have to make this temporary wall. Usually and they use plywood (I’m not sure if this is the name of the material) because it is cheaper. The street artists draw on them or people glue some unauthorized propaganda, since nobody cares because they are soon going to be removed. I just got lucky to find one near my home. I asked for the construction owner if I could have it when he had been finished and hoped nobody had stolen it in between. My husband and I had to carry it home by foot…