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There's a triffid in my living room

My love for house plants is growing. I don't know why I stopped growing them in my home. I guess it may have been a reaction to an overdose of half dead, dusty fig trees and devil's ivy from my student days in the 80s. My aversion is over now and I can't get enough. Which leads me to this lovely retro book I found on the weekend. Decorating With Plants, A House and Garden Book, by Marybeth Little Weston,The Condé Nast Publications, Pantheon Books, New York, 1978. That's a mouthful! Glorious living things in wonderful retro rooms. Enjoy!

Reader Comments (5)

I think that last photo is going to give me nightmares. But loving all the loungey furniture and peacock chairs!

29 Sep 2008 | Unregistered Commenterkim.

Wow that last one is looking so nice, I exactly want something like that one !!

29 Sep 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKMP Furniture

I love the blue & white room!

29 Sep 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLuphia

Oh! They killed a lot of hudson bay blankets for that one room!

so many plants.... Luckily they don't entirely overshadow the good designs... well, most of them. I love the little green and white twin beds! cute!!

29 Sep 2008 | Unregistered Commenterthevintagechair

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