Reading guide!
.... a little something I'm working on this weekend.
I know it's a long weekend somewhere in the world. It just has to be. So in honour of that long weekend somewhere in the world here is another reading guide to help you fill all those extra leisure hours. No such luck here. We have to wait till Christmas to sneak some time off. Make yourself a pot of tea and settle in. WINKS next week I promise.
Reader Comments (18)
Why thank you! I'm beyond flattered to be included in your reading list this week. Happy weekend!
Thanks for the inspiration, I will look it to your choices but I bet they are great!As you might remember I was "a wink" back when you did your first..
Thanks for all inspiration!
am looking for great ideas of living room, i know you have included great ones but am still looking for more inspiration
This is an amazing list. Thanks for the new finds.
Thanks so much for the mention. It is my very first and I am thrilled. I added you on my blog list and did a post about your gracious gesture to return the favor. Thanks, Heidi
Muchos gracias Kim and MidCenturyJo for the honor! You so made my day (week actually), you have no idea. I just added a little write-up about this awesomeness and then did a little happy dance.
Take care,
Whoops! I meant "Muchas Gracias." My apologies to any native Spanish readers.
Thank you for the introduction to all of these great sites. I've enjoyed visiting them all.
Such fantastic style!
Thank you so much for including me in your reading guide! What an honor coming from you guys!!! Love your blog (made sure you are on my blogroll, as well). Thank you again, I'm quite ecstatic about it!
Have a lovely week!
xx Trina
Thanks for including me in this esteemed list. Hope you had a lovely weekend!
While looking at your web site this weekend what a pleasant surprise to see my bog mentioned as a weekend read. What an honor. Thank you
Thank you SO MUCH for including me in your reading guide!
I love your blog!
Grazie Dana
So stoked with your lovely mention!!! Your site is looking INCREDIBLE!!! will definately be visiting more often!
thank you so much for including me!!
I'm such a big fan of your blog!
I actually stopped by to see who you had on your reading guide for this weekend...and there is my little blog!
Thankyou so much for the mention...I am wrapped!
Ness xx
I will check some of these out! I personally am waiting till Presidents Day weekend! I'm going to see my honey!
great picks! i love raina at if the lamp shade fits!
so sorry for the late appreciation, but thank you so much for including me in your post! it is truly sweet :) Your blog is my go-to inspiration, and i hope you have a swell weekend! thousands of hugs.