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Stacey Brandford encore

It seems like so long ago that we were guest bloggers on design*sponge. Kim featured the work of Canadian photographer Stacey Brandford. I recently revisited his website and knew I just had to showcase his amazing portfolio here as well. The top photo is one of my all time favourite interior shots. Love it and I know Kim does too.

Images from Stacey Brandford

Reader Comments (3)

Great photos! I love the colors!

By the way, have you seens the images from my collague's colorful house with inspiration from China? Don't miss it!!

BR Karin

13 Aug 2008 | Unregistered CommenterEllas Inspiration

oooh lovely. I can get over all that super delicious stuff on the mantel. Is that a dress form in the middle?

13 Aug 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMaryam in Marrakesh

Thanks for sharing her photos, very inspiring. Just found your blog and love it!

15 Aug 2008 | Unregistered CommenterColleen Hickey

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