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Gabellini Sheppard

Clean, spare, sculptural these modern spaces designed by Gabellini Sheppard are more like functional backdrops for the simple beauty contained within whether classic furniture, a crisp bed of linen or in the case of their retail work for the the likes of Jil Sander, a stage for a product. It's a spatial thing but bathed in the simplicity of light and defined by crisp lines. Minimalism at its purist.

Reader Comments (5)

Amazing post. The stair case is a work of art.Thank you


31 Jul 2008 | Unregistered Commenterqerat

Your blog is just amazing for furniture, interior designing, home decoration & at all...

31 Jul 2008 | Unregistered CommenterModern Furniture

I can just see my local building inspector tearing his hair out over those stairs in the first photo. The dreaded orange "FAILED" sticker would go on the permit so fast it would make your head spin. It is often very hard to do something this daring and still meet all the building codes. I enjoy your blog and have been a subscriber for quite some time. Cheers, Rosemary

31 Jul 2008 | Unregistered Commentercontentinacottage

I love the way they display artwork...whether it's hung on a wall or overlapping on a shelf. And I'm always a sucker for all white:)

31 Jul 2008 | Unregistered CommenterThe Lil Bee

You would have SERIOUS problems with your house inspurance co. if you had those stairs WITHOUT a handrail. I was almost shot when the inspector saw no handrail in my tiny narrow basement stairwell. So I put a handrail up and bashed my shoulder into it the first 6 or so times I came up the stairs. Funny when it's supposed to stop you from hurting yourself.

31 Jul 2008 | Unregistered Commenterkim.

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