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Not your average cat on a chair

Thanks to Jess for sending us photos of her Sphynx cat. This is not your average looking cat, but OMG what I would do to have 6 hairless cats instead of 6 furry ones!!! I'm not sure what I'm more jealous of, the cat or the Louis Ghost chair.

Reader Comments (5)

You have posted together two of the thinks I dislike more.
I hate that kind of chair and the cat scares me, but I like the post I think it is very funny!

24 Jul 2008 | Unregistered Commenterkarina

Ha! Kim you cracked me up! Six hairless cats, ha, ha. Is it still six cats, not five? (oh my, bless your heart)

I thought this was a Chihuahua at first! I think he's so ugly he's cute. And love, love, love the ghost chair.

24 Jul 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPeggy

Yep, at the moment it's still 6. I'm trying to get Felix to stop peeing in my house so he can be adopted.

24 Jul 2008 | Unregistered Commenterkim.

My mom is laughing her ass right now that you actually posted miu miu!!

Thanks for making our day Kim!!! haha

24 Jul 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJessica Claire

I need to shave my dog. Love your cat Jess.

24 Jul 2008 | Unregistered Commentermidcenturyjo

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