Dog (?) on a couch
Ed from Swank Lighting emailed me this photo after seeing the last dog post. The subject line read " Oh Please!! that's not a dog on a couch... this is a dog on a couch." Ed do you realise that animal protection agencies will be up in arms over the cruelty displayed in this photo? A flower headdress? I emailed back and asked what puppy's name was and if he wanted to remain anonymous. Here's what he wrote. "Me remain anonymous??? No way. His name is Peabo the Pit Bull. Isn't he cute. We call him Brad Pitt for short. That's his flower halloween costume. He's so sweet he even lets our housekeeper Nancy paint his toenails." Ed you are incriminating yourself!
Reader Comments (3)
Thank God they do beautiful lamps cos they don't do beautiful pictures of dogs :P
i love the flower costume (bull terriers are some of the best dogs i think, or my favorite. i worked in a shelter, they were the most passionate, sweetest dogs, complete wiggle butts.
We all know what happens when they fall into the wrong hands...but our trainer often mentioned that they tend to score higher in temperament tests than golden retrievers).
You are absolutely right. Pit Bulls are the most mistreated, misunderstood, and misrepresented breeds in the world. But, they are WONDERFUL dogs. Peabo is a big old sloppy kissing Lover... He never met a person he didn't like. He loves other dogs... or actually he loves being adored by them. Just if you are a squirrel.... WATCH OUT!!!
We rescued him froma shelter that never lets Pit Bulls be adopted... instead (well you know what they do)..But they loved Peabo so much they broke their own policy. And boy was that lucky for us.