Navarra Design
San Francisco based interior designer Kathleen Navarra is the creative force behind Navarra Design. With a contemporary style with references to the traditional her work is elegant with a clean line. Not afraid of colour or pattern Navarra designs rooms that are livable and family friendly without losing their style and sophistication.
Images from Navarra Design
Reader Comments (3)
Speakinf of family friendly places I want to ask you if there are in your countries houses with Quinchos, is a special place to gather with friends and make a barbecue. I want to write about this( Argentinian Quinchos) in my blog but wanted to know about other places before.
thanks to you who always inspired me!
The glossy blue floor tiles in this photo are stunning. I wonder where one could buy something like that? Just amazing. Like a dark pool of rippling water.
While working next to Kathleen Navarra designs she and her employees illegally contracted with subcontractors without holding a contractors license. Kathleen and her client stole money from my business by contracting without a license. Kathleen Navarra lied to the client to have me removed from a $250,000 a year project!!!!! Kathleen Navarra Designs nor her employees should be trusted. She has her employees told the sub contractors to do unacceptable work to get me fired. Stay clear of this woman or risk your career by dealing with her. She can't be trusted and will be stopped one way or the other!!!! Her Clients can't hide her illegal practices forever!!!!!