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Those Danes (and NOT Swedes)

They sure know how to decorate....and take spectacular photos...

Images from Bolig Magasinet

Reader Comments (8)

I AGREE!!!!!!!!! and how I love their sensibility.

That kitty photo is to die for.

10 Jun 2008 | Unregistered CommenterYoli

That's true, but this is a Danish woman and a Danish magazine. Denmark lies close to Sweden, but it's not the same country :)

10 Jun 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

Apologies Denmark from Desire to Inspire :) We love you too and yes Bolig Magasinet is a Danish magazine. We love all Scandinavian countries. We love Norway as well and we love Finland and Iceland I guess should be included and we love Greenland as part of Denmark and hang it we love the Baltic counries too and all of Eastern Europe well all of Europe actually and then there's ........

Please Denmark do not declare war on Desire to Inspire. After all the little prince is half Australian and I'm all Australian and I'm sure Kim can think of reasons to save Canada. Anyway I'll leave that to Kim to rewrite the title and tell us how much she loves the Danes as well :)

10 Jun 2008 | Unregistered Commentermidcenturyjo

we'll take credit (us swedes)! :-) the photos are amazing, and very scandinavian! :-) thanks for posting these

10 Jun 2008 | Unregistered CommenteriHanna

My apologies for the first title - but Jo, WTF??? LONG LIVE THE QUEEN! (for lack of anything else to say after Jo's wacky comment)

10 Jun 2008 | Unregistered Commenterkim.

They have great interiors, I spent some time at their website but could not understand a simple word!

10 Jun 2008 | Unregistered Commenterkarina

Wow, what a great find...thank you for sharing! What I love most are the little surprises like that disco ball, and I could live forever in that room of teal pillows. Oh, and the yellow shelf!!

10 Jun 2008 | Unregistered CommenterThe Lil Bee

Greetings from Denmark :-) I stubbled upon your blog today and love it. Other great Danish webpages to visit: og In Danish we have a word, that does not exist in any other language: Hygge. It means a mixture of coziness, comfort, autumn afternoons in front of the fireplace and quality time with friends and family. Maybe thats what makes us different.

27 Oct 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGitterd

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