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Real estate stalking for real

I thought I'd share this lovely light and airy home I found in my almost daily ritual of stalking real estate sites. With loads of glass, polished wooden floors, a neutral palette and touches of blue to match the crystal clear pool this beachside home is rivalled only by it's lush gardens and pool house. No come to think of it I think the pool house wins. Someone else can buy the house and I'll rent the pool house!

P.S. Almost at the $100,000 over at As I write this they only have $6,000 to go. So if you live on this side of the world you still have a chance to help before the target is reached - in only 2 days!

Reader Comments (3)

Talk about spacious! Yeah, I'd settle for the pool house too.

2 May 2008 | Unregistered Commenterkim.

That is so fresh and peaceful.

3 May 2008 | Unregistered CommenterYoli

ooooooh too perfect for words !!! wow !!

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