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Not at all to do with interior design

It's official - I have lost my mind. I have 6 cats in my house. Yesterday I became a foster mom to a cat (I named him Felix) who's been a fixture in my yard for the past few weeks. He went to the vets yesterday and has all sorts of health problems, but all treatable with antibiotics (PHEW!). I am fostering him through a FANTASTIC organization here in Ottawa called Friends of Abandoned Pets, who are graciously paying for all his medical bills. He has to live in my second bedroom until I get some test results back, so things are a little "hairy" at my house. :) Pun intended. I wanted to post this because I am very grateful they are helping Felix and I hope they can find him a great home, especially since he turned out to be such an amazing cat. They are having their annual dog walk in a couple weekends so I thought I'd plug that too, because that would be a blast...and I may be their photographer. :) So I'd like to introduce you to the newest (though hopefully temporary) member of my brood, Felix, one of the luckiest cats around.

Reader Comments (16)

oh~~~~ Felix is such a photogenic cat! Wish him all the best!

14 May 2008 | Unregistered CommenterXing

OH Kim--- I just love your heart for animals. Keep up the good works! :)

14 May 2008 | Unregistered Commenterdesign for mankind.

:) Apparently I have SUCKER written across my forehead (and apparently cats can read).

14 May 2008 | Unregistered Commenterkim.

He is so cute! Can't wait to meet him.

14 May 2008 | Unregistered Commenterjulia

He sure is cute! That's a face no one could resist. I adore that last shot of him. Good thing you live in Canada, because I find him tempting.

14 May 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPeggy

aww, he looks like a sweetie. I've always wanted to name a cat Felix :)

14 May 2008 | Unregistered Commenterrachel

Delurking to say Felix is a lucky cat. Props to you!

Julia, come on over - maybe after we find out about his having ringworm (contagious to other cats and people). Peggy, he is irresistible. Rachel, I'm not even sure why I thought of the name Felix, but it suits him perfectly. Thanks Princess in Galoshes!

14 May 2008 | Unregistered Commenterkim.

Hi Felix, when Kim tries to paint you or take you thrifting just say NO (or Meow.) Well, if it's the same color as her kitchen it might be ok....

14 May 2008 | Unregistered Commentercasapinka

Pink - he already told me he would love to accompany me on a thrifting venture. But he did say no to painting him. Maybe he'll at least let me do his toes?

14 May 2008 | Unregistered Commenterkim.

Yup, cats can ALWAYS read that word.

15 May 2008 | Unregistered Commenterlsaspacey

Whomever adopts him should paint their walls that colour of blue. He looks fantastic against it! You'd never know he had ringworm! :)
Maybe pass along a paint chip with him.

And Felix the Cat was a b&w cartoon. Great name.

15 May 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAMR

you have SUCH A BIG HEART!! incredibly mad for taking on SIX cats, but that's why they love you :) (and so do we!!!)

16 May 2008 | Unregistered Commenterdrey

Awww...he's ADORABLE! My cat sitter works for Friends of Abandonned PEts - I'll try to make it out to the walk!

PS - any flea market road trips coming up?

16 May 2008 | Unregistered Commenterjawcey

Jawcey, no road trips planned (so freaking busy) but the Great Glebe Garage Sale is on the 24th, and you can hitch a ride with me if I can manage to go!

16 May 2008 | Unregistered Commenterkim.

I know! I'm so excited! I'll let you know if I need a ride - if not, let's try to rendezvous at some point during the mayhem :)

16 May 2008 | Unregistered Commenterjawcey

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