I've been a bad bad girl....
I haven't put together a retro post in ages. Today my laziness stops. Today I give you what you crave - retro good and bad. Scans are from Woman's Day All Colour Book of Home Decorating & Design, Edited by Babette Hayes, Octopus Australia, 1977. I promise you won't have to wait so long for your next fix. Don't forget to click on the images to enjoy a larger serve of retroliciousness.
Reader Comments (6)
Great Retro Pictures!!
I saw the rocking chair from photo #7 on the curb a couple weeks ago. The cane was in really bad shape so I kept walking...but it was tempting to haul it to work with me!
chia pet!
That little desk nook looks very current - just substitute the typewriter for a laptop and voila!
Thank you for a gorgeous site!
Some of these look like home,I'm living with other peoples wallpaper, multiple floor coverings and tiles etc, all from the early 80s. They're all dead men walking, their time is numbered. Looking forward to major renovations!!
Let's just hope that the person who owned the room in picture 9 never had to answer the phone right after she'd watered the fern.