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I want to live here!

Fawn Galli has been named one of Domino's Top 10 Designers and when you see her Brooklyn apartment you can understand why. It's glam and enchanting and colourful and girly and all things exotic. I'm gushing over this one because I so want to live here. Whimsical and wonderful! Run to her website for so many more amazing rooms!

Reader Comments (4)

Her place is FAB!! Love the green accents in the first photo, the chairs in the third and OMG the bed in the last photo has my heart racing.

31 Mar 2008 | Unregistered Commenterkim.

amazing photography... so fresh!

31 Mar 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSol

Um...not if I get there first! Okay...I can share :) I wholeheartedly concur with kim...the green (so fresh)...the bed (SO FRESH!).

Lovely :)

31 Mar 2008 | Unregistered CommenterUncle Beefy

I really envy the use of bright colors. I favor taupes and neutrals in my own space, but I wish I could add some color and make it work. My color skills are poor.

1 Apr 2008 | Unregistered CommenterT8

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