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Running, stalking and not winking

It's that time of the year. It's crazy!!! Parties, simple get togethers, shopping and cleaning. The presents are bought (we haven't gone overboard) but there's still the food and the house is a mess. Friends want to catch up for drinks and I'm running round in circles. I'm sure you all know what I'm talking about. So .... I have no winks prepared for today. As way of apology I thought I'd share a recent real estate stalk. Paddington, Sydney, way out of my price range but white and quirky and cool and so comfy casual. Now if we could only all meet up here for christmas drinks. Wait I need to pop out for more nibbles. (Here while it lasts.)

Images from

WINKS will be taking a break through the holiday period but will be back in the new year. I couldn't go though without saying "Why didn't anyone tell me that Another Shade of Grey is back?" I love this blog and really missed it when Julie stopped blogging back in April. Now she's back! (Since October and I only found out a couple of weeks ago. At least I had quite a few posts to enjoy.) So pop on over and be inspired. You probably all knew already. Maybe I'm just late to the party. Party? Oh I am running late for drinks. Bye!

Reader Comments (13)

Wow. Dream on huh. All is lovely with exception to the cowhide. Cant stand animal hide personally. Its my vegan alterego.

20 Dec 2008 | Unregistered Commentervanessaishere

Incredible lovely place!

20 Dec 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

That is my dream house. How do you see into my dreams like that?

The loft with the skylight...sigh...So bright and beautiful.

Do you decorate Christmas trees in Australia? Someday my husband and I will visit...his aunt and cousin live there.

20 Dec 2008 | Unregistered Commenterwhyioughtta

Happiest of Holiday seasons to both you and Kim!
Lisa & Alfie

the concrete floors with the white walls are incredible. love that huge horse print in the dining room. i adore huge art. such a statement.

and thank you lisa&alfie - happy holidays to you as well!

whyioughtta, i too shall make my way to australia one of these days. and i too have free lodgings RIGHT JO??!!

20 Dec 2008 | Unregistered Commenterkim.

I looove the outdoor "courtyard" area - fabulous home!

20 Dec 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMy Decor Style

I *LOVE* that horse art too. Nothing more dramatic than a giant piece of art. I like how they've set off all that white with the dashes of nice colour. I never used to like it, but I am quite obsessed with white homes lately. It can be pulled off so beautifully.

The courtyard is awesome too. I love the dark tiles.

Yessss whyioughtta, we do decorate trees here in Aus :-D Do come and visit! Aussies are probably the friendliest people you will meet!

20 Dec 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKittyMeow

Those of us that can get in the holiday spirit decorate with trees :) I still haven't got a single christmas decoration up but I've spent all day today baking goodies as gifts. I love spending time with family and friends at this time of the year. One day I'll get back in the spirit and do the whole decoration thing. Maybe in my new house. The offer still stands though. Come on down and party guys!!

20 Dec 2008 | Unregistered Commentermidcenturyjo

I love the bedroom image. Especially the view at the window.


What a lovely home! Thank you for a great and inspireing blog!

Merry x-mas!

... from Norway :-)

21 Dec 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMy Wonderworld

You are the best real estate stalker. You should get paid a commission. What a gorgeous home. I also love Shade of Grey, so I'm about to click over there.

22 Dec 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPeggy

GOSH...I love white.
Love it!

22 Dec 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJennifer in ATL

Thanks for the mention Jo. :) So sweet.

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