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Narrow homes

First I would like to say a quick congratulations to my lil' sis Jen who got engaged last week. Her fiance Dave occasionally sends me links to photos and stories he thinks I may want to post on the blog. This one I HAD to post. I have mentionned that I have a very narrow house, being about 12' 2" wide, but the structures below are ridiculously narrow. I may never complain again about how annoying it is to decorate my narrow house. The first is in Paris, and the rest are in Japan where space is CLEARLY at a premium. (Thanks Dave, soon to be bro-in-law!)

Reader Comments (8)

I love these...I wish we could see inside.


14 Dec 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJessica

I can't imagine living in those houses. I need equal space around me - they are cool looking homes, but I think I would feel a bit claustrophobic living in such narrow spaces.

Cool entry!

14 Dec 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMEADE DESIGN GROUP

Your blogs are sooo beautiful & inspiring! This one is unbelievable! Wow...

14 Dec 2008 | Unregistered CommenterL'designs

Congrats to your sis!!!!

Wow, these houses amaze me. What's even more amazing are the creative minds behind them. I definitely couldn't live in a home this narrow, I will never complain about my small starter home again:)

eeek! one of them looks like it could tip over, it's so skinny!

i'd love to see the insides of more of them. the bottom photo is amazing!

14 Dec 2008 | Unregistered CommenterErin Lang Norris

I must find some photos of Brisbane's narrowest house. Not quite this tiny but almost.

15 Dec 2008 | Unregistered Commentermidcenturyjo

great collection! you could also add this one:
>>it's in Turin and the narrow side measures something like 2 feet!

15 Dec 2008 | Unregistered Commenterplch

ops, I don't know if you can read it... anyway the end of the link it's : tabid/70/EntryID/101/Default.aspx
I hope it will work

15 Dec 2008 | Unregistered Commenterplch

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