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My mug in a mag

Some of our readers have noticed that we were mentionned in this month's Canadian House & Home magazine. They did a story called Our Favourite Canadian Design Blogs and since this blog is half Canadian they wanted to include the blog and me! It is such an honour. I have subscribed to H&H for years and it is by far one of my favourite mags.

An AMAZING local photographer, Jordan Craig, came by one morning and photographed me in my home office and took some photos of vignettes around the house (which to my dismay none were used). To my relief he brought along his wife who applied my makeup (and I took note!). It was a total blast, Jordan and his wife were awesome, and he brought along the coolest camera I've ever seen (a Hasselblad from the 60s with an attachment where the film would go to make it digital). I asked my boyfriend to help me take photos of the process and both of us forgot for the most part. Here are a few we did manage to take.

Jordan was kind enough to send me the photos he took around my office and living room. They are fantastic so I thought I would share them.

Congratulations to the other bloggers included (Jan of poppytalk, Marie-Eve of Lake Jane and Arren of Arren Williams Design Lab, and thank you Jordan and House & Home!!

UPDATE: Check out the story on H&H's website HERE

Reader Comments (33)

Wowzers! SO cool! I'm going out to get a copy of this H&H right away! Funnnnnnnnn!

11 Dec 2008 | Unregistered Commenterjawcey

Congrats!! your home looks lovely. I especially love the green mirror.

11 Dec 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMochatini

Thank you katherine, dee, jawcey and Mochatini!

11 Dec 2008 | Unregistered Commenterkim.

hmmm. do you eat cat?

11 Dec 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

Yes, anon, almost every night with a good dose of hot sauce. YUMMMMMMY

11 Dec 2008 | Unregistered Commenterkim.

Ha ha Kim!
Cats have 9 lives remember! Which means Kim gets, what, 54 spicy meals out of her cat colony?! Yum Yum. Tastes just like chicken.(just kidding. I love cats. To cuddle not kebab! But I do drink cow milk. I am vegetarian, so no hard feelings anon!)

11 Dec 2008 | Unregistered Commenteralesserstateofbeing

felix looks delicious. fat and plump. a delicacy served with sweet n sour in china. i'd eat him. with chopstix.

12 Dec 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

LOL alesserstateofbeing!

Felix has gained so much weight since I found him in my backyard (and he was so sick) that he could feed a family of 4. :D

12 Dec 2008 | Unregistered Commenterkim.

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