Bad girl is back
Yes I'm back from a decadent and too too over indulgent weekend in paradise. Only trouble is I'm short a post for today. I thought I'd tease Kim with these shots of a late spring day which climbed into the 30s (celsius) after a few morning showers. Yes the water really is that blue and yes for some crazy reason I was up at 6.00am for the last shots. Which is more unbelievable? I'll be back to regular posting tomorrow.
Reader Comments (7)
Oh, you ARE a tease. It's in the low 30s (F) here in Georgia and I'd kill to be on that beach! Beautiful shots.
it's so painful to see those gorgeous sunny beach pics ;) as it is yet another rainy grey day in England, well I suppose it is Nov... still, full of envy!
tina x
Thanks, from chilly New England!
Hi!! Beautyfull beach!!! Seems like some brasilian ones... Have you ever seen it? I think you will like it too. Come visit us!!! There's always sun here.
Loooove your blog and I read everyday. Congrats!
Jo, I hate you. It started to snow on my walk home from work. GGGRRRRRRR
Maybe I'll just leave this post open all day to warm me up inside! It's nice to see some 'summer' when it's so cold outside. :)
that's a nice nice beach break wave on that first pic - where have you been?
;) babs