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There's still a triffid in the house Part 2 or How retro really became rooted

So many fabulous retro rooms brimming with budding beauty that I just had to share more. Time to turn the pages once again of Decorating With Plants, A House and Garden Book, by Marybeth Little Weston,The Condé Nast Publications, Pantheon Books, New York, 1978. Now I want a ficus or maybe a traveller's palm. A boston fern for the bathroom anyone?

Reader Comments (2)

Some of these look like something from today's magazines. Others are just downright horrendous. I am really enjoying your retro posts Jo.

6 Oct 2008 | Unregistered Commenterivyblue

I almost threw up when I saw that blue plaid bedroom. LOVE the last photo though!

6 Oct 2008 | Unregistered Commenterkim.

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