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Rodolphe Foucher

Photographer Rodolphe Foucher emailed us recently to thank us for featuring one of his photos in a post a while back. Being the nosy person that I am, I went poking around his website only to discover we SO should have done a whole post on his work. His portfolio is filled with plenty incredible photos, so I emailed him back begging if I could post his work. He agreed. :) Turns out he's a really nice guy too! Here are my favourite photos from his website, but go on over and have a look yourself. There are landscape, places, architecture and still life photos that are must-sees as well.

The one below I had to post because I love the style and colours although it has nothing to do with interior design. Well, imagine it in a black frame with a white mat in a modern space. There, interior design.

Reader Comments (5)

i want to crawl into that checkered canopy bed. it looks like that would be a warm place to snuggle up on a cold winter day

21 Oct 2008 | Unregistered Commenterelle @ pret-a-party

So glad you posted Rodolphe's work at last. Great portfolio!

21 Oct 2008 | Unregistered Commentermidcenturyjo


22 Oct 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRuth

I really like the bedrooms in the 6th and 9th pictures...

23 Oct 2008 | Unregistered CommenterHanna

The lighting in all these photos is so beautiful! The interior design doesn't hurt either. I'm obsessing with the chairs in photo 8, but I can't find them anywhere. Would anyone know who designed them or how I could hunt them down? Thanks for any input.

26 Oct 2008 | Unregistered CommenterHeather

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