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WINKS - weekend links. Here we list what has come in during the week, things we've found and things we think you'll want to see. If you'd like to see your blog or website featured email us and if we think it fits with our readers we'll link you. So what's in this week?

  • Let's start with the new blogs. Lucy works in Melbourne as a props buyer/set dresser in the film industry and has just started a new blog The Design Files. Lots of great design and funky Melbourne shops. This promises to be a fab resource. Good luck Lucy!

  • Lynne is a transplanted South African living in the American West. A writer, poet, creative stylist, artist, mother and more, she's intrigued with the idea of rejecting excess and choosing a simple, yet truly chic lifestyle. (I stole that from her profile. I couldn't have put it better!) Her new blog lovedreamliveathome is full of beautiful photos of her home, snippets of her life and her design philosophy. Lovely.

  • Unique::Decor is a modern home decorating blog devoted to highlighting exceptional and unusual products to make your home or apartment as unique as you. Thanks for introducing us to your blog Kayla!

  • Take a journey down memory lane with Enchanted Merchantile's vintage images, altered art, digital photography, Pre Raphaelite art woven into digital compilations. Nancy emailed to let us know about her business producing professionally mastered CD-Roms, ideal resources for altered artists, scrapbooking, crafters, costume designers, nostalgia buffs, and fans of the silent screen, Edwardian Theater and Pre Raphaelte art! Check out her art site and her blog.

  • We received an email from online children's shop Little Circus created exclusively for children from 0 to 6 years. Little Circus' toys and accessories are chosen to cause joy and wonder for your little ones. High in importance is quality, originality and rarity. Beautiful blog as well! In French.

  • Susan emailed us about Petrie Point Designs, a collection of one-of-a-kind, vintage pieces that are turned into framed works of art. The collection consists of “repurposed” rare wool and vintage bathing suits from the 1920s to the 1960s as well as a collection of vintage infant/children’s clothing and collectibles. She calls it “Memories Made Modern”, I call it too cute!

  • Bettyjoy is celebrating the start of the year with free shipping on UK and overseas orders until January 22, so grab your last few pennies and get down to for some serious retail therapy.

  • New in from Modern Dose these gorgeous birdcage pendants! Exotic lamps are woven from buri, the center stalk of a palm frond. A captive bird is stenciled on the center light diffuser and a cage door is provided for its potential escape (and bulb changing).

  • Rowena creates photographic prints using pinhole camera, polaroid, photogram and traditional darkroom techniques. These beautiful and eerie prints are available in her etsy store Polaroids and Pinholes. Thanks Rowena!

Reader Comments (1)

Hi Jo and Kim,
Thanks so much for taking a look at my blog and for the link :) I'm so inspired by the more established sites - you guys, design sponge etc... I'm hoping my site will improve with all this inspiration around me! Thanks again, Lucy x

21 Jan 2008 | Unregistered Commenterlucy

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