Bachelor pad
Desire to Inspire reader Jordan Denmark sent a tempting picture of his über cool bachelor digs along with a link to further photos. Now before you all despair that this really is a reader's home as you look around your own place in comparison take heart in the fact that Jordan is no ordinary reader. He's just starting his own interior design business RECESS Design in Seattle, Washington. No website as yet but if his moody, urban loft vibe is ringing your bells email him. Good luck Jordan can't wait to see more of your work!
Reader Comments (5)
Wow! I want to date a guy with that pad. Actually, no I don't...he'd never want to leave!
That place is amazing :)
Looks likes his business is bound to be hugely successful Investors take note!!!!
OH MY. Jordan, you're HIRED! LOL. Good luck with your new venture, although by the looks of things, you don't need any luck because you've already got tons of talent.
they say a mans space tells a lot about his character.. yummy!!!
I can just see it now - Desire to Inspire branches out into a dating site, matching folks by what their interior space looks like! :o)