I too am a thrift store addict
Jo isn't the only one that can't say no to a good bargain. I just bought my fifth couch in about 6 years. Crazy, I know. But I saw this one yesterday at an antique market and couldn't stop thinking about. I went back this afternoon, and about an hour later, it was delivered to my door. It is SO much more comfortable than the last couch, and much cuter. The colour is not my favourite, but I'll have to make it work. I'll get some pillows made (mom??) in some great colours/patterns and liven it up. (See here for details).

I also got this table to house my TV and components, and got to put my coffee table back where it belongs. The table was from an antique store and was originally $285 marked down to $95. It could be a bit longer, but I had too much criteria to find the perfect table. Now I have to get the room figured out so I can find a colour to paint it. Another day, another score.
Reader Comments (18)
What a fabulous couch! I love the shape.
OMG, OMG Kim! That couch is gorgeous! I love the current color. Now you need a very large fushcia painting over your sofa (I think I know an artist.) :)
So funny. When I saw your new TV stand at flickr, my first thought was turquoise! (You know ala Casapinka's old entry way table.) And voila! The sofa confirms that I was correct about the turquoise.
Congrats. It looks fab. Love your table too.
Love the new couch!!!!! :)
Thank you all for making me feel better about my couch purchase. And me new table just might end up turquoise. You NEVER KNOW with me. And Peggy, if I didn't already have about 5000 pieces of art to hang, I may have commissioned a certain person to create something for me. :)
Great couch. Difficult to ascertain the exact color, but it looks a lovely light blue/turquoise, which I think looks GREAT paired with deep reds/burnt oranges. Not sure your feelings on accent wall colors... And a table between the couch pieces! Delightful. Good find.
Kim, I ADORE the colour of your new couch. To me it looks like a duck egg blue and that is my favourite colour in the world! You are so lucky to have found it :) You could pretty much throw any colour with it and it'll look fabulous!
Anna :)
Awwwww guys, how I WISH this couch was blue-ish. It's really a minty green. Way harder to find coordinating colours than if it were blue. :(
the lines - oh my goodness - the lines on that couch are to die for! i adore it... and i agree with the passion for thrifting and i feel the need to share my secret spot - the reuse centre at the town 'dump' - this is where people bring their furniture to die - i have scored some gorgeous pieces there that are so fun to refurbish... think of the good we are doing for the environment...
now how come i never come across anything like this on my thrift store hunts????
i love the couch. what a gorgeous shape and the color is actually quite nice ;) great find kim!
jenn lee
WOW I never find anything remotely attractive when i go thrifting. what a great find Kim!
Why did no one in Australia ever have couches like that in the 60s? Never! Love it. See you made the right decision!
jo: agree with you. nothing like this comes up in thrift stores here in Aus, ... or any store, really!
i love minty green! So super 1950s!
Minty green, eh? How do you feel about brown walls?
Brown has been suggested by a few people - I'm sort of not feeling it. I have alot of art and fabrics and knick-knacks for such a small space, so brown might be too much. And too dark.
WOw. I don't think I've found a piece yet that I haven't had to redo. The sofa looks great! I totally understand the addiction with the couches. I impulsively bought a couch from a thift store even though I'm not entirely sure I have a spot for it yet yikes! I seriously have a problem. I'm getting it re-upholstered. What do you do when you change couches with your old one?
My old couch I bought on Craigslist for $80 so I'm going to put it on the curb tonight to be trashed. Although the guy that sold me the couch said he would take it, but hasn't shown up yet. I'd put it back on Craigslist but I'm too busy this week to deal with that.
Well i think the color is great!
All the best,
Amelia, A Beautiful living