Yeah! That time again. Suspend your disbelief and wind back your taste meter. This weeks scans are from The Practical Encyclopedia of Good Decorating and Home Improvement, Vol 1, Greystone Press, New York, 1970. Love this set of books. So much to inspire!
So much to love here - the couch in first photo, the colours in the 3rd, the zebra print furniture in 4th, the art in 6th...but that bathroom - EEEKKKK!!!
Anon - the pink or red chair is the Womb chair by Saarinen and the black chair may be the Swan chair by Arne Jacobsen. Ikea has actually been around a long time...long enough that the furniture in my nursery when I was born was Ikea.
Reader Comments (4)
So much to love here - the couch in first photo, the colours in the 3rd, the zebra print furniture in 4th, the art in 6th...but that bathroom - EEEKKKK!!!
What a veddy green room that is! I wonder if the grass is greener over there than here.
I like the pink chair and the ottoman. What is the name of this kind of chair? Is it comfortable?
I had to take a second look at the black tulip-like chair because it looked so IKEA, but then IKEA wasn't around when these pictures were made.
Thanks for this spurgle of retro pictures.
Some of these are truly hideous, and some of these show that what is old is new again!
Anon - the pink or red chair is the Womb chair by Saarinen and the black chair may be the Swan chair by Arne Jacobsen. Ikea has actually been around a long time...long enough that the furniture in my nursery when I was born was Ikea.