WINKS - weekend links. Here we list what has come in during the week, things we think you'll like to see. If you'd love to see your blog or website featured email us and if we think it fits with our readers we'll link you. So what do we have this week?
- Patrick Anderson has just gone live with his new site neoshed. Funky backyard sheds and the hippest birdhouses!
- Romain Duclos of Rlos Design designs the coolest stuff. Check out his imaginative creations!
- Lucia is selling Brazilian chita, a 100% cotton fabric that comes in BIG, bold and colourful flower patterns, with a sweet vintage vibe! You'll find her etsy shop Chita Bonita! here.
- Sandra Evertson sent us a link to her blog. She's been making things for as long as she can remember and is a magpie collector of all things old and unique.
- A press release came in about Designboost - a new, annual design event in Malmö, Sweden. "Designboost is a completely novel concept on the Swedish design market. It will be annual, different, international and will penetrate questions of current interest on design in a broad perspective and put them on the agenda in the society at large." Check out the website for more information.
- Kara sent us this link to Onethreads posters for Nurseryworks. Too cute!
neoshed | neoshed |
Rlos Design | Chita Bonita! |
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