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WINKS - weekend links. Here we list what has come in during the week, things we think you'll want to see. If you'd like to see your blog or website featured email us and if we think it fits with our readers we'll link you.
  • Jennifer sent an email introducing us to her etsy shop Turtle Papers. She has the cutest line of stationery and Tshirts.
  • One of my favourite online shops ISO50 has new posters and cute button packs instore.
  • Leah has updated her blog England Construction Project with the latest pictures of her massive build. OK massive to me who lives in a 2 bedroom apartment!
  • Back in April I posted an amazing table by FurnID. Sara just left a comment on the post. "Thank you for all your compliments. It all makes us want to go to work every morning!Just wanted to let you know that our website is both in danish and english now!All of us from FurnID wish you a splendid day." If you haven't been to their website now is the time to go!
  • And just to let you know Kim and I will be guest bloggers on Mark Cutler's blog Mark Cutler Design. Mark's out of town for a few days and while he is away Kim and I plan to misbehave on his blog. Just kidding Mark!

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