Living in the 70s
Lisa, a loyal lurker from Canberra, Australia sent me the link to this 70's time capsule. What do you think? Is this the home of a little old groover hanging on to the past or is it the lair of a hard core retro buff? Either way it is an amazing trip back in time. Love it all!!!!!
Reader Comments (9)
Damn. I want that bedroom.. :)
Very cool - but I am not a fan of gold, and it's all gold. I'd at least ditch the dining set and the bedroom rugs. LOVING the wallpaper!!
Kind of awful and very cool. I can't say I like it but I'm fascinated.
This reminded of movies from the 70's...
Jo, I am really enjoying all your retro posts. I really don't like patterns, but I absolutely adore the open layout of this place. Ahhh, I am craving a large place lately. Like you said above. To dream....
what? no purple toilet? :)
I bet their other bathroom has an avocado toilet.
*shudder* no, i'm sorry, this is BAD uncool retro. i knew houses like this growing up. no no NO.
wow... on no less. It's almost too good NOT to buy it!!