Another fruitful Saturday
I got a call this morning from my folks (and grandmother who's here visiting) to tell me that they were 10 minutes from my house and heading out antiquing and asked if I wanted to tag along. UH......YEAH! To top it off, they were going to the same place where I scored most of my finds the last time. And OH MY, did I score again. It's kind of dark and cloudy outside so I'll take the evening to clean things up and post more photos tomorrow of everything in their new homes. Here's a preview.
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But sadly, this is what it looked like 5 minutes after I got it in the door...
(Check Flickr for details).
Reader Comments (16)
GOOD HUNTING!!! Love the bench as much as the cats do.
And I've decided I hate you because I was locked in the house packing and cleaning on Saturday and couldn't go out looking for goodies and then you find that bench and all the other lovelies.
:P Poor Jo.
Well obviously it's because your cats have awesome fine taste. :3
The antique framed photo of the cuddly kittens is so gorgeous. You have a cat-lovin family I presume? (I'm a cat lover too!)
Thanks for sharing! I'm subscribed to your feed and your posts are always so beautiful.
i'm starting to hate you, too. i never have this kind of consecutive luck. love those lamps and the bench. you could couture the hell out of that thing.
i think it's really amusing that cats ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO SIT ON ANYTHING NEW THE SECOND IT IS BROUGHT INTO THEIR HOME. i think it's my favorite feline neurosis.
I love the bench too. Are you going to reupholster the cushions or save the green? Either way I'd love to find something like it. Our felines need a new spot.
*sigh* i'm in the wrong city/place! WHY!? that bench looks like the find of THE YEAR!
Feanne, I have a cat fetish - I have 5 of them. And I here ya Eric...I had to keep pulling cats off the bench to get a photo. Cats' nosy-ness makes me laugh - I had a really small box that some of the breakables were packaged in and they even insisted on climbing into it.
The bench fabric will stay as is because I adore it, and I'm broke. :)
I've got four kitties. But it's nothing compared to my boyfriend and his family, they have around a dozen! (We actually met at a cat show, hehe.)
The bench fabric is pretty ^.^ But do your cats scratch?? Hahahaha you'll have to find some way to protect it. Our sofa is in tatters, we've just given up.
They generally don't scratch furniture. I FREAK when they do so they've learned to stay away from Momma's furniture with their claws. I do worry about the rattan part of the bench. We'll see. (*GASP* A dozen cats???)
OMG I HAVE to get out to those antique spots! I love what you found! I checked our your flickr photos and everything looks amazing. Nice work!
I know it's not healthy to covet other people's things, or their, um, lives, but really. Where do you people LIVE? Rather, where the heck do I live? And can we call that living. Such a good eye!
Wow, GREAT loot! Yes, I am very jealous.
Jocelyn, I better beat you to it! Scrappy, this is Ottawa honey - not the hippest town around but apparently we have some decent thrift/antique stores. Thanks becoming-home!
Oh - in case you didn't see it, check this post to see what I did with all this stuff.