Dogs...should I?
I need a dog like I need more furniture. However, I stopped to pet a dog that was tied up outside the restaurant where we ate breakfast (I'll stop and pet any dog within arm's reach) and it really hit me how badly I want a dog. Not good. This house is on the small side and as most of you know, I already have 4 cats. I hope my mother doesn't read this because I'll get a lecture (mixed in with Italian swear words). Anyway, the first 2 photos are by Pete Gosselin and the others from Daily Puppy.
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Below is Simone, a 12 week old boxer who has to be the cutest thing I've ever seen. | |
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Reader Comments (18)
omg ... i'm totally in the same boat as you are. ed & i both grew up with dogs in the house and now that we're on our own we really want a pup of our own. but realistically, our space doesn't accommedate a dog and we're just not 100% prepared to care for a puppy just yet and if we were to get one it would be for completely selfish reasons which i don't feel is right for the new pup.
good luck tho. i hope you make the right choice for you.
J lee, I'm glad to hear you're thinking about the dog's welfare because so many people don't. I am VERY glad my boyfriend thinks it's an insane idea. I told him to read this post and when he did he just grumbled something. :) At least one of us is thinking clearly.
Step away from the puppy Kim. Keep your hands where I can see them. I said step away from the puppy! (Cute pictures though!)
If you get a dog i would recommend the boxer, but rescues are better because most of the time you can get a history on the dog etc. Plus its only a minimal fee. You save tons $. However, i dont know if you're in the states or not...? I had a white boxer as well for 7 1/2 yrs she was the smartest ever...and with beautiful blue eyes. She had to be put down due to severe illness and was to pass away soon, so i had to...she was very special. Its so nice to see these pics, reminds me of her. Make sure the dog you get will be taken for lots of walks, but mostly they are home dogs, boxers love to just be at home with you. I currenlty have two boxers here lving with me, they're quick learners and rarely bark.
Good luck!
aww - Kim ... I totally understand that longing to have a pup ... I have a little rescue yorkie named Tyson, he's the little sunshine in my life ... don't know what I would do with out him. Dogs are just so affectionate and most of all loyal, the best welcome home. It's tough, I work a lot but luckily from my home studio. And if I really want to, I take him with me since he's so little. I do agree with unless you're ready to be a mom - I'm fortunate to be able to work for myself and take my dog out whenever I need ... they're like little kids ... who need to be loved. If you do happen to be in a position to adopt a pup - a rescue is a great option. I do admit, if it's not design ... it's me all giddy whenever I'm around a doggie (I admit to joining the dog crazy club) ... Happy Sunday Kim & Joe! ... your blog is now addicting, I'm always excited to read your next post.
Thanks for all the advice girls. I am pretty sure this will remain merely another one of my bright ideas. But I do love the idea of getting a rescue dog. Always thought about an ex-racing greyhound. But then I have a sudden fascination with chihuahuas, which my lover-of-big-dogs-boyfriend finds highly amusing.
Just discovered your blog. Love it! My husband and I often talk about getting a dog. I miss having one as I had always grown up with them. As much as we want to give a dog in need of a family a home, we just are not in the position to do so now. Our lives are too hectic and we work too much. I have offered to be a stay at home dog mom but that just doesn't seem to fly with my husband. I understand where you are coming from. It stinks to be grown up and responsible sometimes. I want a dog and then get too practical about the whole thing.
Welcome DawnMarie! Problem I have is we could get a dog and give it the attention it needs but do I want the extra responsibility and does my poor house need an extra 4-legged friend running around on the hardwood floors? Perhaps not.
Since you love dogs, i simply had to write and tell you about Amanda Jones who is a fabulous pet portrait photographer. Her work is such eye-candy:
Before I adopted my pooch (got her from the SPCA and she is the greatest dog ever), i painted pet portraits because i was so dog crazy. ( i liked to joke that while some women's biological clock would kick in, my dog clock was ticking!
That boxer is really cute. You could always just get a small dog. That way the dog blends in with the cats. LOL When you are an animal lover its so hard to not keep "collecting" them. I am going through the same thing right now!!!!
Aarrgghh! I am another bad person to offer advice since I have three dogs now and would take more if my husband didn't put his foot down occasionally!
Small dogs are easier with cats since there is no 'stomp and chomp' to worry about but any puppy with soon become acclimated to the kitties in their midst. Cats know how to let a dog know what is what.
I say go for it. But then again...I may be living vicariously through you. :)
I love dogs! I know what you mean! I want to bring every one home with husband and I adopted a Bouvier puppy a few months ago...he's the sweetest thing, but such a handful! Our lives literally revolve around him right now...and my carpets are completely the end, though, he's worth it (and on the up side it looks like we'll be stripping the floors down to stained concrete...yay!)
You people are a BAAAAAAAD influence. I had gotten my hardwood (ok, parquet) floors refinished before I moved in and that was in June - the floors were scratched to sh*t only a few months later. Since they're already in bad shape...
Anyway, I just LOVE the idea of a tiny dog I can take everywhere that's low-maintenance that I could train to use the litterboxes with the rest of the clan. :)
Thanks for the links Rachel (will check out when I get home) and Erin - stained concrete...COOL!!!
Nicole - "stomp and chomp" made me laugh. Hadn't heard that phrase before.
Jessie you are a BAD influence for sure!
Oh, Kim! Fellow animal lover... you have made my day! What joy! Merci! (:
Adopt from a shelter! Hundreds of stray puppies and kittens are born every knows no pedigree ;)
No worries worsted witch, I'm always on the local humane society website and the site Friends of Abandoned Pets.
Hi Kim! I'm a little behind on the blog, so I just saw this post. I had never had a dog before, so when my husband suggested getting one, I was hesitant- to say the least. I'm not terribly good with added responsiblity (thus the reason we don't have children). Then my husband suggested we get what I’ve heard to be one of the most challenging dogs, a Labrador. Then he said he wanted a puppy. Thinking he’d completely lost his mind, we got an 8 week old yellow Labrador for Christmas of 2005. I can only tell you that if someone asked me to name one thing you regret not doing earlier I’d say ‘getting a dog’. His puppy-hood (made up word!) was a major challenge, but once he was house trained, we got used to the added responsibility, and modified routine, it was wonderful! He makes me smile every single day, even on the bad ones. I wouldn’t trade him for the world. We're thinking about another one now.
Good luck in whatever you decide.
Stephanie Collins
Cincinnati, OH USA
What a sweet story Stephanie!! Thanks for sharing it. I thought Labs were naturally good/easy to train dogs. Anyway, I don't think we'll be adding any more animals to the mix...alot has gone on this week and I think the timing is bad. But I hope you get a second pup!