No more working 9 to 5
Work from home? Just need a space to write your snail mail? Whether you want a simple desk or a dream work space, here a few ideas.
Belle | Belle |
Roger Hirsch | Studio Ilse |
Philip Gorrivan via Elle Decor | M.Design |
Elle Decor | Australian Vogue Living |
Reader Comments (8)
You beat me to that Phillip Gorrivan picture Jo and the last image on the right from Aust. Vogue Living is fab!! Love it!
I REALLY love the M Design pic - there's something about those colours...and of course that chair!
Anna it's Sherri Donghia's holiday shack. Love Donghia.
Had Philip Gorrivan's work saved from his website but the picture resolution isn't great. Then I saw the apartment in Elle Decor. Yowzah!!! Fabulous photos. Outrageous and beautiful and I'm sure very expensive.
I'm having some major chair envy! I'm tired of our ugly desk in our flat but even more sick of our disgusting old desk chair. That chair in the second Belle photo is gorgeous (although I wonder how comfortable it would be for a long sit). And those look like apple green Eames soft pad chairs in the Hirsch photo. Now I *know* those are comfy (and out of my price range!).
That last photo is just gorgeous. It makes me want to move to Australia, set up a workspace just like that, and order my subscription to Australian Vogue Living while sitting at that desk.
that's funny : the M.Design pic represents a lot a things i like in design and the philip Gorrivan one is the epitome of what i dislike in interior design : it's over-the-top, don't you think? what a terrible lack of restraint! LOL
- a minimalist at heart.
Join us on the dark side Beautymist! Leave your minimalist ways behind and embrass the omigod look. Overthetop rules!!
my taste has changed a lot ( a lot more pink, more girlie stuff) since i joined Flickr.
i love looking at your blog for that exact same reason : discovering new ways of decorating.
I esp. loved the Australian wallpaper designer Florence xxx-hurst you made me discover Jo!