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What's the weather up to?

Poor Kim, poor northern hemisphere readers. This is what the weather is like here. OK I lie it's overcast today but it's normally like this.....

Image from Redlands Tourism

Click on the image for a better idea of how beautiful this part of the world is. Sometimes I forget.

Reader Comments (10)


16 Feb 2007 | Unregistered Commenterkim.

Oy! Bloody 'ell?! Whyda do that, mate?

Me on the grog... sipping a cold VB stubbie (or two), enjoying a kebab and a sinful timtam, and the newest issue of Australian Vogue (not Women's Weekly!)... basking under that bright Ozzie sun in the middle of the arvo, in me bathers. That's what I see, mate. Cool bananas!

Oh, that's a beaut!
Coogee Beach? The Whitsundays? Byron Bay? Surfer's Paraside? (I know a bit of a Queensland freak I was...)

Where art thou...? I miss those days!

Well, good on ya! I'll just bask in me wingeing... or start planning another couple of years Down Under.

Cheers! (:

17 Feb 2007 | Unregistered Commenter** Terramia **

Oh *terramia* that was the worst Australian accent I've ever read :) The picture is of Anna's favourite weekend destination, North Stradbroke Island just off the coast from Brisbane.

17 Feb 2007 | Unregistered Commentermidcenturyjo

I am so jealous!! I miss the Aussie lifestyle..

Enjoy that great weather!

17 Feb 2007 | Unregistered Commenterdanielle

midcenturyjo - So jealous! Australia is on our "must visit" list. I think about it all the time.
Fortunately for you, my only exposure to Australian sayings is via The Lucksmiths lyrics, so I won't try to outslang Terramia!
Although I must say your blog is the bee's knees :)

17 Feb 2007 | Unregistered CommenterErin T

ya,..this picture makes me angry. Because I am surrounded by snow right now. And my car has to be dug out. I hate being cold. And everytime I go outside I go numb, and have to fear for my life, because I might bust my ass on the ice. I can't wait for spring.

17 Feb 2007 | Unregistered Commenterjessie

I hear ya jessie! I almost lost my fingers the other night to frostbite while shoveling my driveway. It's supposed to get above freezing tomorrow. I won't hold my breath though.
Erin, it's on my list too.

17 Feb 2007 | Unregistered Commenterkim.

Kim, don't you find it's a bit warmer today? must be because I can see out the windows of my apartment. When it is really cold they are all completely iced over. Very depressing when this happens.

17 Feb 2007 | Unregistered Commenterjulia

We walked across the street for breakfast and it's still pretty cold - especially with the wind. I think tomorrow is supposed to be quite a bit warmer. Hard to get excited when it doesn't look anything like Jo's photos.

17 Feb 2007 | Unregistered Commenterkim.

Bugger! Ye all making fun of me accent... bunch of bullocks!

Never did make it to that lush Island, but I took a liking to Hamilton Island! Sweet mama... I long to spread wings and fly back down unda.

* my accent has always sucked. But, I kinda liked sticking out with my Canuckle dialect, eh!

Ta! (:

19 Feb 2007 | Unregistered Commenter** Terramia **

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