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WINKS - weekend links. Here we list what has come in during the week, things we've found and things we think you'll want to see. If you'd like to see your blog or website featured email us and if we think it fits with our readers we'll link you. So what's in this week?

  • Cardboard Safari emailed to let us know about these very clever and oh so affordable 3D cardboard "trophy heads" - deer, moose and rhino. Love them!
  • Terri sent in info about Surface Collective, a Vancouver based design company creating commercial and custom wall tattoos. Some great designs and the chance to customise.
  • Sabrina from Yum Sugar sister blog to Casasugar sent news of their ultimate holiday entertaining giveaway in conjunction with Hostess with the Mostess. They're giving away over $7000 in prizes — grand prize is worth over $5000 — including Jonathan Adler tea pots, notNeutral plates, and westElm dinnerware. More details here.
  • Emily, a.k.a. iShadow has opened her etsy store. Each silhouette is cut by hand from fine papers in fabulous colors and patterns and 20% of each piece sold goes to shelters and animal charities.
  • Deborah from DGarden Collection sent in some great Christmas specials. Order these 2 outdoor cushions before Christmas and get 2 for the price of one! 70.00€ for 2 cushion envelopes 50cm (19inch) x 50cm + shipping. Very limited stock! Order any banner at the standard size of 2m x 50cm before Xmas and pay only 125.00€ instead of 140.00. Contact Deborah for details.

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