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Jo's place

Help me! I've been thrifting again. Things are bad when the thrift store managers not only know your name, they have your phone number. Mr X (name concealed to protect my source) rang to tell me about an entertainment unit and a 20% sale. Unfortunately he still won't sell me the 60s era rattan wall size display cabinet but that may be lucky as it probably wouldn't fit. The entertainment unit wasn't my style but I found all these little beauties.

A West German floor vase 50cm tall and a lovely "subtle" orange. It's by Jasba Keramik and was a steal at $20. I felt bad taking advantage of Mr X with this one as he didn't think it was West German. You can see some of my other pots in the hall way and some of my Papua New Guinea artifacts.

Finally a matching pair of bedsides. Now what do I do with the 3 unmatched ones I have? Thank god for friends who want to buy them.

Finds for the garden. The cast aluminium planters will be tarted up with gloss navy paint and find a home on the patio.

This lovely old copper tub will be filled with ferns tomorrow after a visit to the nursery. Love it's old patina.

The bird bath is destined for the small garden by the door. Filled with water and floating flowers it will greet my visitors. I've promised myself I won't go thrifting next weekend unless Mr Y rings .....

Reader Comments (6)

Jo, you are funny!!
I love that the thrift store guy knows your number!! :-)
Those lace iron plant post are lovely!
Great find!

JO, I hate you. How you manage to get a huge WG floor vase for $20 is beyond me. AND find amazing matching bedside tables. UGH.

8 Dec 2007 | Unregistered Commenterkim.

love the garden pieces. :)

8 Dec 2007 | Unregistered Commenterdrey

What wonderful finds! I really love the cast aluminum planters.

8 Dec 2007 | Unregistered Commenterbeachgrl

Those cast aluminum planters are gorgeous!! Feel like shipping them to Canada?

I remember growing up with planters like those and HATING them. Look at me now. Can't get enough of the stuff I used to hate.

11 Dec 2007 | Unregistered Commentermidcenturyjo

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