Why oh WHY does it have to snow so damn much!!! People, there has been a blizzard here since last night. We got about 2 feet of snow. School was canceled, roads were crappy, and I only managed to get HALF my driveway shoveled. At the moment I am psyching myself up for round 2 of shoveling. But before I go, I thought I would post a photo that makes it seem not so bad, and that got me smiling. (Wish I looked that cute while I was shoveling).
Update: OH MY GAWD I am so happy I want to cry...actually I sort of did. I just bundled up and went outside to discover a totally snow free driveway (including the 5' high mountain at the bottom). There are tire tracks all over - I think it was a guy a few houses down who has a 4-wheeler with a plow attached to it. If he were still outside he would have got a big wet kiss from me. See? There are some good people out there. So thank you neighbour guy, and my back thanks you too.
Reader Comments (10)
That cat is soooo adorable. Glad to see he has tags on - go kitty parents! We have too many lost pets in Los Angeles, a good percentage never return home because they don't have info tags :(
I miss the smell of snow. Definitely don't miss shoveling it ;) Be careful out there!
I <3 that cat!!!
Oh, how I wish I had a driveway fairy! I have shoveled three times today. Pretty? Sure is. But ENOUGH!
p.s. Super cute kitty-cat.
so funny.
Driveway fairy's are heaven. I've definitely cried over shoveling too many times. And the cat is wonderful.
I love my new "driveway fairy" (LOVE that!). It was a nice change to be crying from delight instead of pain over the shoveling this time.
We don't have snow yet, boys can't wait for it! Wonderful neighbors are great aren't they? Have you tried driving over the snow hump yet? One year, newly married, my dh heard the snow plow and saw he was plowing all the snow in front of our driveway (cul-de-sac). Middle of the night he went running outside and up the street after the plow in his underwear and freezing weather. LOL! He was successful in getting our hump reduced to a large mound. Wishing you the best. Enjoy the snow - such a great season! Enjoying your blog!
It was 30 degrees celcius here today. Lovely and sunny and not too hot. Went for a swim in my pool when I got home. Sitting in shorts. There's a thunderstorm coming. The wine is cold.... do you hate me yet.
cat is adorable
Jo, I hate you. ;)