At Kim's place
Jo posted below about what's happening at her place so I thought I would share what's going on at my place.
This is what my house looks like at the moment. A complete disaster, filled with boxes and packing materials and fur balls. I hate moving, because I hate living in chaos. My anxiety levels are through the roof. I am moving on Tuesday, and at this point it's looking like I won't have time for any posts until at least mid-week. I only have 2 days off from work for the move so that isn't going to help my situation much. So this is just a heads-up if posting is a little light this week. Jo will be doing her regular number of posts though.
And to top it all off, we are having yet another huge snowstorm today. This may help me if I'm snowed in tomorrow and can't get to work. :) If I don't come by the blog much, have a good week everyone.
Reader Comments (9)
I'd help you pack Kim but I am snowed in...can't even see across the street. Hey is that Milo's head in the bottom left corner of the top pic?
OMG! I can't imagine moving in the snow. Good luck with it all. I hate moving.....actually everyone hates moving. I'm so excited about the new place!
Julia, that sure is milo's fluffy head. The cats are so confused as to why everything keeps getting moved around. Jo, I can't imagine moving in 10 ft of snow either. Never done it before. Will never do it again SO HELP ME GAWD.
I'm moving in the same darned snowstorm, only now it's turned to freezing rain! I know it will be ok but I hate moving as well, esp. when I have to wade through slush - ugh. Hope it goes well for you!
Pink - freezing rain?? That'll be no fun to move in. Good luck with your move too!!!
am totally sending you good thoughts, and warm wishes. take care though huh?!
I feel your pain. My stress has been awful all summer. Moving is hard, especially with pets. Its such a mess, and you feel rushed, can't find anything....etc... You just wanna scream!!! Then snow. But, like everyone tells me, its all worth it in the end. :)
Good luck, Kim. I've been postponing moving. No matter how much I get rid of, I still have too much. Hope it's not too chaotic for you and that you enjoy fixing up your new place. Can't wait to see it!
I'm just catching up on tons of blog reading -- i hope the move went smoothly, I'm really empathetic to the stress/anxiety factor when moving.
Love what you both do everyday on your blog!