Sucker for cats
I am so glad we've been getting some cat photos lately. Dubbed the "crazy cat lady", I was feeling a bit guilty for not plugging cats much. So thanks to Melissa of dsine&dsaster and Alyson for their contributions. The first is Melissa's photo of her rescued (from a Wal Mart parking lot) cat William (love the lamp!) and the others are Alyson's Persians Miles and Snickers. They're so cute I just want to squish them. I have a soft spot for Persians. One of my sisters has one that I rescued from the Humane Society a few years ago. Grumpiest cat on the planet. Love the little bastard.'s their photos:
Reader Comments (3)
My mom has one just like the last pic, hes called MR.Biggles and loves to be the centre of attention, a total lap cat. You can't help but fall in love with their little faces :)
cute. I am in love with a kitten my mom has right now,....BUT I must NOT be tempted, 5 is enough!!!!! I just wish I could find him a home. :( Great post. I love kitties.