Wind up at d*s

Our last posts are published and our stay as guest bloggers has finished. We've had such great fun!! Just a little relieved the extra work is over. Thanks Grace for inviting us to take the reins on your guest blog for the week especially such a momentous week as this one with the launch of your new layout. We were so fortunate to have exclusive photos from our friends Megan Morton, Greg Natale and Pia Bijkerk. If you haven't already been do click on over and see their work and all the other fabulous designers, photographers, stylists and shops we featured.

Reader Comments (3)
Wonderful Stuff. Love your Blog.
Design Mind
I did a post on 3rd Uncle about a month ago and was surprised to come across them on d*s as your guest blogger post and then here again on your blog, as they're quite known here in Toronto, but I had no idea they were known outside of the city (with the exception of a current project in NYC). That's great that their work is getting so much publicity.
We love your blog and your designsponge guest posts too. It's great to see Canadian designers featured.