Just a quick post to give you an update on my friend's cat Binky. I also wanted to post this because it's nice to be reminded that there are really good people out there.
Yesterday I had an email sitting in my inbox from Laurel, who lives here in Ottawa. She said she wanted to foster Binky. !!!!!!! I figured she was too late because I thought Binky's appointment at the Humane Society was yesterday. Turns out his appointment was today! Laurel and her boyfriend rushed over to Jenny's place last night to meet him and they're picking him up tomorrow morning. I am so happy, and so relieved. I would have felt such guilt if he ended up going to the Humane Society. They've agreed to foster him for now, but like I told Laurel, he'll end up being their new pet. I know it. Look at my cat #6...I'm "fostering" him and he doesn't seem to be going anywhere anytime soon. :) Laurel promises to keep me updated and will send me photos of Binky on her teak credenza, or her flokati rug....which made me laugh because she knows they will surely end up on the blog.
So Laurel, thank you from the bottom of my heart. You did a really sweet thing for this poor little guy. (Oh GAWD, get me a kleenex....)
(I had to include a photo, and since I don't have one of Binky, here's my "foster" kitty Felix, on one of my favourite chairs)
Reader Comments (15)
YAY for Laurel! What a big heart she has! I've been following Binky's plight and I am so, SO relieved to hear this!
ADORABLE! Give me a kleenex too!
What great news! So so glad for Binky & everyone who cares about the cute little guy. Thank you Laurel, you are wonderful! :)
This has made my week!
A divine intervention indeed. It was meant to be. Bless them both!!! And keep us updated... Binky is part of the global family now :)
Laurel you're a life saver - quite literally I think! So happy now that Binky has found a loving home :-)
Yay!!! That totally made my night. Now I will go to sleep with a smile on my face (and Fergus and Lola cozied up next to me :).
Glad I could make everyone's night/week with a bit of good news....thanks to Laurel. Or should that be Saint Laurel? :D
Cat #6!! I knew he wasn't going anywhere and you kept disagreeing with me. Admit it...he's your itty wittle kitteh of wuv!
Yah! Binky is saved. I think I am going to cry.
yay, yay, yay!
A beautiful act of kindness in hard times, bravo Laurel!
I am soooo happy that Binky will have a new home. I was honestly thinking about how I could fly to Ottawa to adopt him myself. So happy to know someone is taking care of him. Gotta love the kitties!!
isaspacey, I can't admit it because that would make me TOTALLY INSANE.
Anon - that got a big smile out of me. :D
Pass on the kleenex, guys... I am SO RELIEVED and will definitely sleep better at night.
Blinky is now blessed. Now for all those other animals out there... domestic and otherwise. I would love to save a cow from the slaughterhouse or fur factory (oh, it's the vegan heart in me. I got it from the Dalai Lama! Love, pure love for all things.)