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I love you Gubi

If I had a limitless budget I would fill my house with Gubi. I love all things Gubi. 


TRAKTOR | magnetic wood

I love this video. And this simple concept. So handy!!! Designed and hand made by Jan Van Look, a Belgian craftsman based in Antwerp. Find it on Kickstarter.


In Berlin with Miele

During my trip to Germany with Miele at the end of August I was able to spend a few hours roaming the streets of Berlin after arriving at our hotel on a Sunday afternoon. Having never been to Germany (or Europe for that matter!) I asked if anyone wanted to meet up and I ended up getting a personal tour from the lovely Janine who knew so much of the history of Berlin! It was awesome to meet her in person as she's been a devoted reader of the blog for years and she gave such a great tour! Of course I don't remember much of the details so I'll spare you from me messing it all up and just share some pics of this absolutely gorgeous city that I would LOVE to return to when I have more time. 

For dinner that night we went to Sage Restaurant. It was in a beautiful industrial building and the food was fantastic. I'm not sure why service is so terrible in Germany - we ended up here for about 4 hours waiting and waiting for our food. :(

We stayed at the Grand Hyatt. Fancy! What a beautiful hotel and perfect location for being able to walk out the doors and start sight seeing immediately. 


In Gütersloh with Miele

On the second day after the Miele launch event we took a 3 hour train ride to Gütersloh, where we were given a tour of the Miele museum and the washer/dryer factory. I woke up early that morning and walked around the town for a bit before breakfast  to snap some photos because after the tour a few of us had to hjop on a train to Frankfurt. It is sooo beautiful there! Again, I wished I had more time to enjoy the scenery.

I spotted a cat down this little alley and he turned out to be super friendly so that totally made my morning as I was missing my cats sooo much. 

The Parkhotel was really lovely. We had an amazing dinner there after we arrived. Here are a couple of photos inside the hotel of the most beautiful plants on my floor by the elevators and the chandelier in the restaurant.


In Frankfurt with Miele

Most of the Canadians I travelled with went home after Gütersloh but myself and a Vancourverite were not able to get flights until the following day so we took the train to Frankfurt and had a bit of time there to wander around trying to find the restaurant we were supposed to have dinner in (Bitburger - yummy schnitzel and radler!). I snapped a few photos along the way. 

Snapped this with my phone while zipping by the VW factory on the train on the way to Frankfurt.