A magical 160 year old home in Cape Town
As soon as I spotted this 1854 Cape Dutch home (located in Montagu, Cape Town) featured in Visi, I knew there was something magical about it. And when I read the story, I realized I was right. As the homeowners tell it: "For a year before we started renovating, I spent every weekend sleeping on a mattress on the floor of the empty entrance hall. It was important to do this, because only then did I hear the house. I could hear her breathe. I could hear the creaking of the wood, the sounds the pipes make, how the wind whispers through the rooms and where she ached. And in doing so I realised that ours would have to be a historical renovation; it wasn’t so much what we wanted the house to be but rather what it should be." You can read the rest of the story here. (Photos: Micky Hoyle)