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Entries in soft furnishings (42)


Interior tailors

Original, creative, tailored, at times a little quirky. Soft furnishings are not often associated with these terms but then the work created by London-based Violet and George is not your average garden variety curtains and cushions. Their unique designs are born of their passion for textiles within interiors. Hairy goat ottomans, Spanish flamenco ruffle drapes, men's tailored eames chairs and sexy lampshades are just some of my favourites from their portfolio. And for something completely out of the box (and definitely not for everyone) what I can only describe as a carnivorous bunny powder room. Now that's quirky.

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Sneak peek - Freedom's summer collection

From my insider at Freedom a little preview of what's in store from Tuesday 7th August.  Summer brights, a range with a coastal vibe and the new Woodlands story. Can't wait to see more.


Vegas Market - part 2

I showed you the Four Hands showroom earlier, but there were so many other showrooms that caught my eye as well. While partaking in the Traditional Home treasure hunt, I managed to snap some photos of pieces that pretty much distracted me from the tasks at hand.

Another of my favourite showrooms was Lulu & Co. I love French furnishings - the rustic vibe, classic and understated. These guys do it VERY well. 

Palecek was also in my top 3 showrooms. Every single piece was absolutely gorgeous and made of the most incredible materials. Unfortunately I didn't end up snapping many photos there. 

Loved the pieces by Fred. Wood and steel case goods with a mid-century modern vibe. 

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I have this recurring daydream. I'm checking out my favourite interiors store. It's end of day and I'm locked in accidentally. No panic. In fact I'm really rather pleased. I get to pretend this is my home. Variation number two is where I hide in the bathroom to be deliberately locked in each night and it really is my home. And now that I know what Sydney store PAD looks like I'm going to be working it into my fantasy. Passionate About Design, PAD, is based in Waterloo and the team comprises Olga Lewis and Kellie Murray and business partner Chris Yang. Think Hollywood Regency meets vintage, Palm Springs, statement pieces, exotic Asian, luxurious fabrics and layer upon layer of loveliness. It's an aesthetic built on passion. From interior decorating to styling to renovations, from classes to one off pieces to pulling together a room and giving you heaps of advice. As for me, it's my new home. In my dreams :)

(Keep up date to date with what's new via their Instagram)

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Why I wanted a shipping container - part 2

Here is another store in Puerto Vallarta that I almost passed out in. It's called Ponciana, located downtown, and was filled with everything under the sun. Clothing, tons of linens (lace, tablecloths, pillowcovers, runners...), mirrors, furniture, glassware, dishes, pottery, name it. And I went a little nutty in this store knowing I could fit little bits and pieces in my suitcase. To my delight I did end up purchasing several items. Here's a peek inside Ponciana, and coincidentally you'll get a glimpse at a few of the things that came home with me (which is another post for later).