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Entries in Saarinen (2)


A rural home with a retro vibe in the south of France

I spotted the south of France home of New York designer Annie Moore at Nuevo Estilo and instantly fell completely in love. I could barely get past the first photo above because having a little potting shed is something I desperately want and this space is absolutely gorgeous. Then when I was finally able to move along, the beautiful architectural details with some rustic elements and an eclectic blend of classic furnishings with a nod towards retro (gawd how I love white marble Saarinen dining tables) did me in. (If you're wondering why furniture changes slightly in some photos from others, I found some of these @ Marie Claire Maison)

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Flickr finds - Saarinen

lexuhAlex Brey
Lorena & DavidMoakidi
paper ponyjoel_pirela

While digging around Flickr for these photos I came across the following from Flickr user stereolab. Here's the description of the photo below: "we made the floors in polished concrete, but a big crack appeared between the dining area and the lounge room. my idea was to make a bigger opening, and plant some dracenas, and cover the dirt with local river rocks." FREAKING BRILLIANT!!!