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Entries in rustic (268)


Take me away

I could really use a break from the chaos of everyday, and when I came across this home captured by one of my all-time favourite photographers Jordi Canosa I was momentarily transported to a gorgeous villa in Barcelona. A place where wonderful memories could be made and relaxation is essential - how could you not feel at ease in a place like this?

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Rough luxe beauty

After we have finished our stay in Le Grotte della Civita we can wind our way up the Italian roads to Abruzzo, to the hill top village of Santo Stephano di Sessanio. To another albergo diffuso, another Sextantio property. Scattered around the village are rooms in sympathetically renovated buildings, their spartan beauty saved from a modern desecration, just enhanced by simplicity and touches of hedonist luxury. Fine sheets, fine bathing, fine food and, of course, fine wine. You'll find me soaking in the tub by the fire.

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More breathtakingly beautiful

You may remember a post from January this year that featured photos of an albergo diffuso. A stunningly beautiful series of hotel rooms in caves scattered down a slope in Italy. Today I fell in love all over again when I revisited the now fully up and running website for Sextantio Albergo Diffuso at Le Grotte della Civita. Can such a special place become even more special, more beautiful, more stunning the more I see of it? I am smitten. This is definitely a must see (and stay) spot on my wish list. The hardest thing would be choosing which grotta to stay in. Then again there is another albergo diffuso in Abruzzo ... but that will have to wait till the next post.

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Enrique Menossi part 1

Every so often I come across a website that makes me stop, draw a deep breath then exhale, whistling softly between my teeth. It's an oh my god moment. I see so many photos in my travels around the interwebs, so many beautiful images. Sometimes I see images that are even more inspiring ... if that's possible ... than the images I share with you everyday. Today you'll feel the same way I do. Welcome to the portfolio of Barcelona based photographer Enrique Menossi. First the rustic ...

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Her name was Lola

She is a house in the Southern Bahia area of Brazil and the daughter of the home's designer Jan Eleni. Casa Lola means Lola's House. It also means perfection. Oh what a house! Rustic and white. Cool and casual. Relaxed and boho chic. This wonderful home has been popping up on a couple of blogs but, my oh my, I couldn't resist. Even better than dreaming about it? It's available to rent.

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