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Entries in Kim's renos and decos (142)


My new sofa 

A couple of weeks ago I mentioned on my page that I bought a new sofa, because my husband and I were sick and tired of the DIY sofa he built that we've been using for the last few years. I think the new sofa is pretty funky and will go with the theme I want for the new house we are hoping to build next year. Here is the photo I snapped at the store.

I LOVE brown leather that looks better with age, and this one I hope will age beautifully. We had it delivered a few days after purchasing it, and I had Friday off so I prettied up the living room and took some photos. Now, it's a bit of a large sofa for our tiny living room but I don't care, as we hope to not be in this house much longer, and it's SO much more comfortable than the last one. I re-decorated the space with items I had around the house, because I don't want to purchase any more stuff (I have too much crap!) until the new house. I thought the space above the sofa, while empty all this time, kind of looked bare (maybe I'm just tiring of my forest mural) so I found 2 pieces to hang there. Not ideal but the wall was making me crazy sans art. Eventually I'd love maybe some Australian aboriginal art (in black and white) above it. Anyhoo, here it is. 

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Killin' time

I have been on holidays these past 2 weeks and dear gawd did I need this break (at least from one of my jobs). Since Tuesday I've been pretty much stuck at home during the day which I welcomed, because it meant getting lots of things done I have been putting off - including several tasks involving organzing something or other. Yesterday, after walking to the post office to pick up some hot boots, it was time to organize the bookshelves in my bedroom. I really don't like having all this book storage in my bedroom (to me it's like bad feng shui - too much visual stimulation for a room that's supposed to give me tranquility), but it was the only free wall in my tiny house that could house my magazine collection and some books. I threw some of the older magazines out because holy smokes I have far too many, and made the piles neat again. Once the contents were organized (and shrunk down a bit) I went out to the storage shed and dug out some apple baskets and a couple wooden crates I had purchased some time ago at an antique shop out in the boonies. I am a FREAK for rustic/industrial storage options, and these, along with my vintage metal locker baskets, helped in the wrangling of my crap. I'm a happy camper now, and I think I can sleep a little better tonight knowing it's not a disaster. (P.S. Before the hubby moved in, the shelves looked like this, and after when I de-feminized the space, the room looked more like this).


New house inspiration

I wasn't sure what I wanted to blog today but since I have the prospect of a new house on my brain these days I thought I'd share some inspirational photos that I think will be a big help if and when this new house materializes. (The reasons why nothing has happened yet are complicated and well, frustrating but I'm crossing my fingers it will all get sorted out very soon). I was going to include some drawings my husband did of a design for the new house that we really like but because it's multi-levelled, I thought the drawings were a bit too confusing. So instead, I'll just stick to some photos of spaces that are right up my alley and in line with what I want for the house. I'm still hung up on lots of black and white and natural wood, a bit of Scandinavian, modern, industrial and ethnic all combined to create a hopefully somewhat cohesive but eclectic home. Oh - and check out something I picked up recently that fits in with the new house vibe, and happens to looks pretty sweet in my current living room - on my page.

I would die for windows like this, with a thick black frame. Likely too expensive but a girl can dream. 

YLAB Arquitectos

This workspace is amazing. The industrial light fixture, rough planks of wood for the work surface, funky chairs...


This storage unit would be simple to build, would hold alot of my crap, AND double as a cat climbing structure. 

Sköna hem

The ethnic vibe of this bedroom is fantastic. Awesome colour combo, and would look even more gorgeous with my moroccan wedding blanket hanging on a wall.

Living Agency

I am shocked to realize I really love the unexpected look of gold fixtures in a bathroom. It's a bit of old world glam that could look hot if done right (ie. below).

Sköna hem

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Random at my home on a Sunday

I have a ton of cleaning and blog research to do today so because I don't have much time I thought I'd show you some small projects around my house and other things that have been going on here lately. 

First up, some shelving I acquired that needed a bit of work. A couple of weeks ago we went to hang out at my sister's cottage and my husband got to work repairing the shed that houses the ride-on lawn mower (the top half of the back wall had collapsed over the winter due to the weight of the snow). In the process we took everything out of the shed that had been left there by the previous owners. We found a bunch of metal bins/shelving in the shed and outside the shed holding rusting cans of leftover paint. My sister took 3 of the good ones and I offered to take the rusting ones that were outside. They were in pretty bad shape but I figured I could sand them and/or spray paint them. I tried sanding the rust off for a couple of hours but it turned out to be a daunting task so I opted to sand them quickly and spray paint them. I had bought neon yellow and pink spray paint a couple months back and decided to use the pink since I hadn't done anything with it yet. I kind of like it! I thought for now they'd work great as shoe storage in my dressing room. 

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Around my home - part 2